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It was already night, the guys have been out for awhile which meant the girls were now enjoying their girl time to bond, Rebekah was painting Elena's nails and Caroline did the same to Bonnie.

"We should do this more often and not only after something bad happens." Rebekah said.

"Bonnie, how have you been feeling?" Elena asked.

"I'm fine. I might feel a bit weak and not strong enough to use my powers but I think with time I'll get better." Bonnie said then looked at Caroline. "And you, Care? How have you been after what happened?"

"Did something else happen that we don't know?" Rebekah asked and Caroline gave a panicked look to Bonnie.

"No. I was just referring to the kidnapping. I mean it was people she knew, one of them she dated for more than a year so..." Bonnie said and Caroline gave her a relief and thank you smile.

"I didn't even thought about that..." Rebekah confesses, realizing it must even felt worse because it's already awful being kidnapped and tortured by when it's someone you cared about doing it, hurts even more.

"I'm fine. I've dealt with worse things." Caroline said and Bonnie gave her a look. "I mean, of course part of me still can't believe it actually happen. When I got back, the first morning I thought it had been all a big and realistic nightmare but then I realized it wasn't. But I try to make myself get busy. I don't like to think about what happened. I want to let it in the past. And they are now dead so..."

"You're very strong, Care... I don't know if I would be able to handle all that." Elena said.

"Of course you would. You're also very strong. I mean you lost so many people and you didn't let that make you push people. I've pushed Klaus away because of my fear of being judge and abandoned and betrayed but you don't let anything get in the way of the people you care about. I wish I could be more like you. I mean, not only you are beautiful and smart, but you don't get all insecure nor do you push guys away from you because of your fears... and you can always say the right things to make others feel better... it's like your superpower." Caroline said in all honesty because those were just a few of the list of many reasons why for such a long time she felt like she was competing with Elena.

Who would know that Caroline had to die to realize Elena was her friend and not enemy? It's truly amusing how life works...

"Oh! Came on, Care! You got the Original Hybrid on your feet. Besides, you are so loyal and have so much determination, you don't let anyone make you give up on things and you can multitask like no one else. Besides, you are honest... I mean, yes, sometimes it can come off as judgy but we always know what you think about us or what we do." Elena said and hugged Caroline.

"Anyway, how's been things between you and Mr. Suits?" Caroline asked.

"Why don't you just call him Elijah?" Elena asked.

"Because it's funnier when I use the nickname." Caroline said with a smile and Elena decided to not let this argue keep going, since tonight was for them to have fun.

"Well, things between me and Elijah have been really good. I mean, I know we've been together for more than a year but he still makes me laugh and blush and feel happy and I seem to never get tired of him." Elena said. "And now, it looks like Alaric and Elijah are starting to get along so finally I won't need to worry about more drama between them. I was starting to be afraid that they would never get along. I love them so much... It would be awful if they wouldn't learn how to be in the same room."

"Yeah... I remember how it was at first. Elijah would always appear upset that he couldn't keep a conversation with Alaric and the only reason for him to be upset was because it was important for you. I mean, I never saw him to worried about getting along with someone just because the person he was with cared for that other person..." Rebekah said, making Elena blush.

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