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It was a new day and Elijah left in the morning because he wanted to have a serious conversation with the Strix, not only to ensure their loyalty to him but also because he wanted to know everything they knew and wanted to establish how things would be from now on.

Elena knew that Aya was still in the dungeon and that the idea was letting her locked up without feeding her but Elena needed to talk to her and she knew very well that for the conversation to start, she had to give her something in return, so Elena grabbed a blood bag, a small plastic cup and a pen, then went to the dungeon to see Aya.

"I don't care for your visits, doppelgänger." Aya said.

"I just want to talk." Elena said.

"I don't."

"I feared you would say that so I brought you this." Elena said showing a blood bag and staying still in a place where Aya couldn't get to her because of the chains.

"Do you expect me to believe that if I tel you whatever you want to know you'll give me that blood bag."

"No. I'll be asking you things and if you answer me, I'll give you small doses of blood. I know that you've been many hours without any blood and I know how your power fading away every second it passes." Elena said. "I just want to talk. To ask you things... But if you don't want to answer, it's fine. I'll go back to the kitchen where there's many blood bags and you'll stay here without any blood."

"Not so innocent and kind when Elijah is around, I see." Aya said. "But fine. Let's play your little game."

"Do you know anything about Esther's plan?"

"I know she wanted to assure her kids would die so if she died without succeeding it, she would make a creature come back. This creature is known by various names but what its more known for is for bringing chaos and destruction. It says that uses the fear, insecurity and hate of people to get inside their head and make people get the very worst part of themselves to show just to see people fight." Aya said and so Elena put some blood on the small plastic cup and with the pen she moved the cup to Aya so she could drink.

"Do you have any idea how to kill it?"

"No. It's not like you can just rip the head or heart off. This creature is different. This creature was made with the purpose of bringing chaos and destruction. Once got the taste for it, not even who made it was able to control it." Aya said, earning another small dose of blood.

"Who made it?"

"Nobody knows. It was a powerful witch. Who? We don't know." Aya said and drink another small dose of blood.

"I saw you and Elijah fight the other day... You know... he is not the type of man to leave without any reason. He was doing what he thought it was best."

"Best for his family." Aya said angry. "You should be careful. He might make you feel special but if one day it comes to choosing, he will choose his family. He will always choose his family. Because for him it's always going to be family above all... Always and Forever."

"I don't doubt about it. I know how much family means to him. I lost my family... my friends are my family... I understand why Elijah is always putting his family above all. It's the most sacred thing we have. Besides, Elijah and his siblings have been on their own for a thousand years and most of their life was spend on the run. Elijah loves his family and he will always do whatever it takes to save his family."

"Are you saying that you would be okay with him leaving you just because of his family?" Aya asked.

"I wouldn't be okay, but I would understand." Elena said, meaning it. "I know you're very angry and upset with Elijah but... do you still love him?"

"Are you afraid I will get in the middle of your perfect relationship?" Aya asked with a fake smile and then noticed Elena's change of mood. "So the perfect relationship isn't that perfect?"

"Elijah and I have a good relationship. We love each other. But I can't deny the fact that you were important to him and that all those hateful words you say it's just because you feel hurt and betrayed... which is understandable. You two were important in each other's lives and you couldn't even have some closure when things ended between you two." Elena said.

"You have nothing to worry. He doesn't like me like that anymore. I'm pretty sure he only let me live because he wanted to show you he is a better man." Aya said. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Depends." Elena said.

"I want to talk with your witch friend. The Bennett witch. Question her about how witches are handling everything." Aya said and Elena nodded, then left the dungeon to go get Bonnie.


Bonnie was now in the dungeon, alone with Aya.

"You wanted to talk to me..."

"Yes. I want you to break the bloodlines."

"I can't do that."

"Yes, you can. You are a Bennett witch. I've heard what you can do." Aya said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't express myself correctly. I can but I won't do that."

"Are you willingly to let every single vampire, including your friends, to die if things go sideways and the Mikaelsons die?" Aya asked in disbelief.

"No Mikaelson will die. We will find a way to stop whatever it's coming."

"You might be a Bennett witch but you are still very young, unlike the creature that is coming for the Mikaelsons and everyone who they care about." Aya said.

"And if I break the bloodline, many vampires will come here to try to kill the Mikaelsons. We need allies not enemies."

"You're scared... Be careful. This thing loves when people are scared. It makes them vulnerable." Aya said.

"Shut up!" Bonnie said angry and left.

Bonnie quickly went to her room and started to chant so she could contact with her Grams. Bonnie quickly found herself standing in front of her Grams, making her smile.

"I'm so happy to see you."

"Bonnie, I'm so proud of you. You need to keep being the strong woman you've been proving yourself to be time and time again."

"What if I can't? Grams, I'm scared. I'm scared of losing Kol, of losing my friends... I'm scared I'll end up alone. I'm scared that the few people I have left will die. I was starting to feel happy and to believe things could actually have a happy ending. But now with everything it's going on, I don't think I will ever get to be happy..."

"Bonnie, your problem is that you are thinking of happiness as a place, as something that you will get to after a long drive... Happiness is an emotion and we can only truly feel happy after we know what sadness is. You have been happy with Kol. I've seen it. I've seen him making you laugh, making you be a bit childish too. I've seen you talking with your friends and laughing while gossiping. I know you are scared but you will get through this and you have Kol, Danny and your friends to help you with everything. You don't need to do it all alone. I know things seem very bad right now but it's only thanks to these times that you can appreciate the good times you have. It's part of life, you need the bad to appreciate the good, you need sadness to know happiness, you need suffer to know love. It might be painful but that's life and the way you handle things is what defines who you are and builds your character." Grams said, making Bonnie tear up but giving her a small smile.

"Gosh, I've missed your wise life advices. I can't believe you are gone."

"I will never be truly gone. I'll always be right here, watching over you." Grams said and quickly vanished away, making Bonnie come back to reality and see she lost the connection.

AN: Hey guys! How have you been? I've been recommended a Klena story and so I decided to share with you guys too. It's called his Queen and is written by KillerJanae

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