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Caroline went to talk with her mother about the whole Aurora and Lucien thing but before she got to the police station, a woman appeared in front of her.

"So you are the one Klaus is spending time with? His taste got worse with time. What does he see in you? No offense but I honestly can't see it." The girl said making Caroline irritated but she played cool and simply rolled her eyes.

"You must be Aurora." Caroline said with a fake smile.

"Yes. Klaus's first Love." Aurora said.

"Nice to met you

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"Nice to met you. I'm Caroline. Klaus's last Love." Caroline said.

"Are you sure about that? A man never truly forgets about his first. Our love is strong. No time apart will be able to destroy it." Aurora said. "Did you know that Nik wanted me to discover what the world had to offer with him? We actually planned on leaving everything behind and discovering what the world has to offer."

"Why would I believe you?" Caroline asked, trying to not show how vulnerable, jealous and hurt she was feeling.

"I can show you." Aurora said and made her see a memory of Aurora and Niklaus talking and how he asked her to go see the world with him. "See? He wanted to discover the world with me by his side. I am his one true love. No matter how many relationships he has. I know that we are destined to end up together. Nice chat."

Aurora vamp speed away, leaving a dumbfounded Caroline in the middle of the street, feeling hurt, not knowing if she should be so confident about her relationship with Klaus.


Caroline went back to the Quarter and Elijah told everyone that they were invited for a ball that Aurora, Lucien And Tristan were organizing.

"Do you think Aya will be there too?" Kol asked.

"Who's Aya?" Elena asked.

"Elijah's ex." Kol said then smirked at his brother. "Have fun with the talk about former lovers, brother."

"I need to go get a blood bag

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"I need to go get a blood bag. Excuse me." Elena said and went to the kitchen to get a blood bag and process the new information.

Elijah quickly followed Elena to see how she was handling the news.

"Elena, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah! I'm great! Actually, I'm good. To be honest, I'm just fine." Elena said, trying to show she was okay.

"What's wrong?" Elijah asked.

"Why didn't you told me about this Aya girl? Who is she? Do you still have feelings for her? What was your love story like? When did you met?"

"We met a few years after I turned. She was a bit of outcast and she was human. We had a relationship and, eventually, I decided to turn her into a vampire so we could be together. We then made a group of our most powerful allies and vampires."

"Meaning, you were pretty serious. You even trust her to be in a secret club with your powerful friends." Elena said, feeling jealous.

"We didn't last long after that and then I had to leave because of Mikael finding out where we were. So I let Aya and Tristan in charge of this group, the Strix."

"What a fancy name." Elena said upset. "But you still didn't said about how was your relationship."

"Once I turned her, everything changed. She was sired to me and what we had quickly disappeared." Elijah said, then hold Elena's hands. "It's been a long time since then. I love you. I have no feelings for her. You have nothing to worry about."

"I love you too." Elena said with a smile and kissed Elijah.


Caroline was now in her bedroom pacing around and Klaus quickly followed her and closed the door to let them talk in private.

"What happened, love? You weren't like this when you left." Klaus noticed her change of mood.

"Do you know who I saw today?" Caroline asked. "Your ex. More precisely, Aurora. She's truly beautiful. I can see why you fancy her."

"Fancied." Klaus corrected Caroline. "She's in the past."

"Is she? Because I'm starting to think that you still like her... even if you can't see it now." Caroline said.

"What did she said to you?"

"It wasn't what she said. She showed me a memory she had from the two of you. You were happy with her. You loved her so much... You wanted to explore the world with her. You wanted to have her by your side as you discover what the world had to offer." Caroline said. "Maybe what you said to me about showing me the world and what has to offer... maybe that was just you seeing me as Aurora's backup. I was really stupid to think that you would see me as the one and not as the backup."

"Love, you're not the backup

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"Love, you're not the backup. Not to me. I love you. Aurora is part of the past. I wanted her to come with me to discover the word because I was afraid of my siblings leaving me. I was scared of being alone. I couldn't be alone." Klaus said and then added. "All my life, I felt like I didn't belong and... I felt lonely and unloved. But you changed that."

"Oh great! So you keep me around just to feel that you are not alone and to make you feel loved. That's just so sweet! I think I'm falling in love with you all over again." Caroline said sarcastically.

"Caroline, listen to me. I used to feel lonely and unloved... then I started to believe that I was unloved because I wasn't able to truly love someone and because I didn't deserve to be loved. Then I met you and as I got to know you, I found myself falling in love with you. You made me see there was still good in me left, you are the lighthouse and I'm just the small boat navigating in a dark see that once sees you, finds himself filled with hope. You are the one I truly love and one thing I'm sure of is that I will love you... Always and forever." Klaus whispered and kissed her with everything he had. "Please don't doubt of my feelings for you."

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