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Esther gave the witches that were alive a small white oak stake and warned them that at night they would find themselves in a dark room with a coffin where would be a Mikaelson and they would have to stake them when they would heard Esther telling them to, using her magic to contact them.

Esther had now everything prepared, she was at the cemetery and had already the bodies that Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah would be transferred to.

When it was time, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah appeared and saw their mother with a big smile.

"You came."

"We told you we would." Elijah said and Esther nodded.

"I will now make you pass out so the transfer body process will be easier." Esther said and before they could prepare themselves she made them pass out then started to gathered the Ancestors who were helping her and started to chant, making the fire go higher.


Caroline got a text from someone who decided to help them, saying that Esther started the spell.

"Now! You need to break Ansel and Esther's bond now. The spell is being made and she won't notice until it's too late." Caroline said and so Danny and Davina started to make the spell to break the bond. Caroline looked at Kol, Bonnie, Elena and Stefan and said. "It's go time. We need to go now to where the coffins are because Esther probably has someone protecting them. Bonnie and Kol, you should go together, you're mortal."

"What about my dear mother? She needs to have someone put them in her place." Kol said.

"Klaus told me what was his plan for her. Don't worry. She will be taken care of." Caroline said.

"Would you mind to share with us?" Kol asked annoyed to not know part of the plan.

"Now we don't have much time. Let's go, Kol! I trust Care." Bonnie said and so Kol dropped the subject and left to the location of his coffin.

Caroline send a text and left to go to Klaus's coffin, Stefan went to where Rebekah's coffin was and Elena to where Elijah's coffin was.


Esther finished the spell and before she could warn the witches to stake her children, she felt the bond she had with Ansel gone, then she felt a huge headache, making her turn around to see Nandi and Ansel.

"Ansel, please help me. She's hurting me. My love, I need your help." Esther said in pain, hoping that Ansel would kill Nandi for hurting her.

"Don't you dare call me that. You've used my feelings for a long time but you won't be able to do that any longer. The woman I loved is gone. You're not who I fall for."

"I'm just fixing my mistake. They shouldn't have become immortal." Esther said.

"You and the Ancestors made me live in fear but I no longer will go against my beliefs." Nandi said, making Esther no longer feel that pain.

Esther quickly send a message to the witches to stab the original bodies of her children and then Nandi made her pass out.

"What will happen next to her?" Ansel asked Nandi.

"It will be up to her. Now we need to take her to the Quarter and put her in a dungeon with some powerful cuffs so she won't be able to have access to her magic." Nandi said and Ansel nodded.

He picked Esther up and they went to the Quarter, quickly putting her in a dungeon and making her be handcuffed.


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