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Rebekah woke up, look to the screen of her phone to see many missed calls from Marcellus, making her roll her eyes, then he called her again, which made her groan and answer it.

"What do you want Marcel? This better be important because I just woke up."

"I want you guys to come back to New Orleans. The moment everything started to go down, you fled instead of staying and fight, just like you did years ago, letting me for die."

"We thought you were dead! And we needed to leave for a few days because of Bonnie getting better and for Caroline to be less shaken up about everything." Rebekah said.

"I don't care! Witches and werewolves declared war. The witches are already making their move and Davina is the one suffering the consequences of the actions of your family. Like always: Mikaelsons do the damage and it's the others who suffer the consequences. Just because Davina tried to help Bonnie, she's now suffering and I don't know what to do to get Davina better. You guys need to come back!" Marcellus said angry but Rebekah also noticed that he was very concerned about Davina's well-being.

"Okay. I'll go wake everyone up and talk to them. I'll text you after." Rebekah said and hung up.

Rebekah woke up everyone and make them reunite with her in the living room.

"Why are we all here?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah, and why did you had to make me get here without taking any second?" Kol asked.

"I just had to talk to all of you."

"Well, I get that but it would be nice if all of us were wearing underwear." Kol said only in a robe, making Rebekah give a disgusted look.

"Kol, could you close your legs? I don't want to see... your friend." Elena said, making Elijah quickly put his hand on Elena's eyes to not let her see anything that she shouldn't.

"Already close them." Kol said once closed the legs. "But you're welcome for the view."

"I believe Rebekah had something important to tell us." Elijah said, wanting to forget about Elena seeing his brother's junk.

"Yes. I could be pleasing my Queen right now. This better be important." Klaus said, making Caroline blush.

"Marcel called me." Rebekah said and quickly Stefan got tense not knowing how this would end. "Apparently the witches are already making a move and Davina is hurting. The witches wanted Davina to suffer consequences for helping us. Marcel doesn't know how to make Davina get better. We need to go back to New Orleans."

"Alright, let's all pack. Niklaus, you can make the call so we can have our private jet ready." Elijah said.

"Bekah, tell Marcel that we are on our way. I'm not letting Davina keep suffering because of me. If the ancestors want to hurt someone they need to hurt me. I'm the one who did dark magic." Bonnie said and left to the room to start pack.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Kol said and went to his room.

Kol got to their room, seeing Bonnie throwing her belongings to her bag.

"Daring, do you want to talk?" Kol asked softly.

"Talk about what? About how I screwed everything? How I made the witches no longer be on our side, destroying the harmony we tried to give to the city? About how I was now having fine while Davina was hurting because of my actions? I'm the one who should be hurting not her. She only tried to help." Bonnie said, feeling blame for an innocent witch of such a young age being already involved in this messy supernatural world that can be very painful.

"Just like you Bonnie. You didn't do anything wrong. You only tried to help your friend who was kidnapped and being tortured. You do more for others than for yourself and you carry the weight of the world on your shoulder but you don't have to. Davina knew what she was doing." Kol said.

"I know she did. It's just... I can't handle seeing many more people dying around me." Bonnie said in tears and Kol quickly hugged her tightly.


Elena went upstairs and Elijah quickly followed her, knowing Elena would probably go see her friend.

"Elena, Kol is already with Bonnie." Elijah said.

"I know. It's just. I'm her friend and I want to be there for her. I don't want her to blame herself for everything. She was finally being happy all thanks to Kol and now this is just making her..."

"Elena, one thing I've learned in my long life it's that our journey, no matter how many years it will last, it's always going to be filled with ups and downs, with good and bad things. I used to worry and I still worry about many things but you are the one who can listen to me and calm me down. I believe everyone has that person and in Bonnie's case, that person is Kol. Let him handle this matter, you can talk to her later."

"You're right. And I'm also nervous so I wouldn't be a big help anyway. Thank you for being calm and not let me start to worry about everything." Elena whispered and gave a peck on Elijah's lips, making him smile.

Elena grabbed Elijah's hand and took him to their room so they could pack their things.


Caroline was neatly folding her clothes to the bag because organizing and cleaning were her ways to control things since she can't ever control what's going on around her life, making her go crazy, specially since she turned, that's why once she became a vampire she got so obsessed with cleaning and organizing things.

"Love, do you wanna talk?"

"I'm fine." Caroline lied and Klaus could see that because he knows when Caroline is cleaning for stress, for pleasure or for anger, they can be similar but Niklaus noticed the small, almost unrecognizable differences.

"No, you're not, love." Klaus said and grabbed her wrist, making Caroline stop folding her clothes and close her eyes, taking a deep breath.

"What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know. I just want you to talk to me. I want you to trust me enough to talk about how you feel with me." Klaus said and Caroline hugged him tightly, not knowing what she did to deserve Klaus and how much he loves and cares for her.

"I trust you." Caroline whispered, breaking the hug. "I just feel guilty. I should have done something. I should have been able to wake up and fight back but I didn't, then when I woke up, I was so weak I couldn't get out of those ropes and... If I hadn't dated Tyler, I would have not been kidnapped and Bonnie wouldn't had used dark magic. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault, love. The witch, Hayley and Tyler are the guilty ones. You don't need to feel guilty for what others did to you. No one blames you and you shouldn't too." Klaus said and Caroline kissed him.

"You know, for the guy with the big bad wolf reputation you sure can be more caring than most people."

"Just for you. You deserve all the caring and love in the world." Klaus whispered and they kissed again.

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