"Ha, guess you're right. Should've figured." Wagner replied, patting my father's shoulder.

"We were going to come for you, dad." Explained Nova.

"Glad you didn't. Don't waste your time on me. Where's your mom and Jack?"

"Mom is okay, we think." Nova pulled dad to the side to tell him what happened to our little brother and how killing Toni served our brother justice.

Liam was still gone. He could be killed and not be bothered. I contemplated it more. But I couldn't kill my brother.

Dad took the news hard. He tried to keep himself together the best he could. Before he could talk to us, sirens whistled in the distance.

"Everyone. We gotta go. Now."

Nova tugged on Liam.

"We gotta go."

"No! No! I can't leave her."

"Liam. She wouldn't want you to be like this. Now let's go."

"You don't know what she wanted. She never deserved this. She deserved better."

"Liam. I know you're hurt. But we need to go." Urged our father. We piled up in Clarke's car and drove into the opposite direction.

"I'm sorry about Clarke, Will. You guys seemed close."

"I can't believe you killed him Liam. You son of a bitch!" I yelled.

"Why do you fucking care? He was probably going to betray us anyway!"

"No he wasn't, you think you know everything but you don't!" I reached over to swing at him. I pushed his head against the window.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Yelled Nova.

"Why do you give a fuck?"


The car went quiet.

"You what?" Asked Nova.

I sighed.

"I loved him, okay? I loved Clarke King, the drug lord's son. He helped me and opened up to me even though I didn't know him long.." Tears formed in my eyes.
"I never even got to tell him I loved him, you put a bullet in his chest!"

I attacked Liam. I reached the seatbelt and attempted to choke him with it. He hit me a few times back. Nova broke us up once more.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I never would've if I knew."

"Yes you would have. You would've done anything for Minga."

"I wouldn't have killed him. Why didn't you fucking tell me?" Liam screamed.

"Liam, enough!" Nova said. The car fell silent for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Will."

The apology came from Liam seemed genuine, but it didn't stop my internal rage.

We waited in Illinois. Dad went up to get mom in Wisconsin. We waited with Wagner. Nova was the only sane one. Liam and I were broken.

He came back hours later, the sun was beginning to rise. He came back with my mom, and Tank. They both appeared stressed.

"Thank you, Wagner." My dad said as we prepared to leave.

"Were leaving the city. You wanna join us?"

"Nah, I have some business here to tend to. Good luck, Frank. Here if you need anything."

He nodded. We crammed into the crowded car. Tank spread out on mine and Nova's lap.

"Where are we going?"

"We're driving until the car breaks down. Three of us are wanted criminals with a dead drug lord's blood on our hands. No going back now."

The Drug Lord's Son (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now