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What's nice waking up in the morning is to open your eyes and see the person you love lying beside you, sleeping peacefully with a smile on his/her face and wondering what he/she is dreaming of.

As for Santana, wow! For others, they might find my girlfriend terrible. How can you sleep with her snoring sound, rolling on our bed like the last time I remembered I was on the right side of the bed, but by the time I woke up I was on her left side already. The worst thing that happened was she kicked me out of the bed… Isn't that so terrible? But I find them very cute, unique, and sooo Santana.

"San, baby wake up," Quinn says as she caressed San's neck.

The brunette groaned, "Baby… ajklfshl."

"Huh?" Chuckles "Oohh, you wanna cuddle?" Quinn asked as she bit her lower lip.

"Hmmmm," Santana nodded and showed a cute smirk.

"Then you need to get up, and we'll cuddle later," She teased.

"Later?! Noooo! I want to now!" She groaned.

"You're such a baby, San. Come on, we need to save more time so we can find beautiful furniture for our new apartment."

"Umm, but we haven't found any apartment, so how can we buy furniture if we don't have a house, or even a shoe box?" She murmured.

"Stop murmuring, I'll wait for you in the shower," Quinn smirked and run to the bathroom.

Santana was alarmed, "Oh god, did you just say you'll wait in the shower!?" Santana loudly asked.

"Unless you think you heard me wrong!" Quinn replied echoed from the shower room.

"Okay! Coming!"

Santana ran to the shower and closed the door.

Loud chuckles echoed from inside.

After hours of showering and cuddling, Santana was the first to get out and stopped in her tracks. Quinn was confused.

"San?" Quinn followed Santana's gaze, "Shelby… Beth."

"What are you doing here, witch?" Santana crossed arms.

"Santana," Quinn fully got out from the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her body.

"Sorry… I'll go and put a dress on. Do you want me to get you a robe?"

"Yeah, thanks," Quinn smiled, "So, what can we do for you?" She asked Shelby.

"Well, I want us to talk about something," She says as the little Quinn still hides behind her back.

Not a long second when Rachel came out from her room.

She yawned, "Good mor- Shelby!" Her gaze went to the little Quinn beside Shelby, "Hi Beth!"

"Sissy!" Beth ran happily to hug Rachel.

She knows that Quinn and Shelby needed something to talk about, so she asked Beth to come with her back in her room. Gladly the little one excitedly followed her.

"Quinn, here's your bathrobe," Santana handed the robe.

"Thanks!" She smiled again. Santana was about to leave, but Quinn held her hand and pleaded for her to stay. Santana smiled and stayed beside her.

Both Quinn and Santana sat on the middle sofa, and Shelby sat on the single sofa right beside them.

After a minute of silence Shelby started to talk.

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