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Tuesday Morning 9:37 am


Urgh! This is a nightmare, my head is pounding because of all the damn alcohol we drunk last night. We all had fun, although it was a tough time when Santana sang her final song for Britt. I think she ended it all. I'm happy now that she's starting to move on, and not one of us heard her cry, or saw any teardrops from her eyes after her performance. I hate that I didn't sing what I really wanted, 'cause I want that song to be sung in a perfect place and in a perfect time, but, I'm glad that she liked what I performed.

"QUINN! BREAKFAST IS READY!", Rachel shouted from the living room, and I cringe because I just woke up and I still feel sleepy. The sound of her voice is like a big speaker to me.

"This is really a nightmare...", I say to no one. I headed to the living room and flopped down on the couch.

"Oh! Hi Quinn! Let's go to the kitchen, Kurt and Santana are waiting for you.", I look at her and give her a confused look.

"Huh? Santana is still here?", I asked.

"Yah!", she answered, and I can see that she's beaming.

"I thought she has classes in the afternoon?", I get up and head to the kitchen with Rachel.

"Oh! I forgot to tell! She's moving in!", she said wiggling her eyebrows and beaming more, "So, that means that not only Kurt and I will pay for the rent and-",

"What? She's moving in? Isn't it hard for her to commute?"



"What? She's moving in? Isn't it hard for her to commute?", I heard Quinn ask from the living room.

"Oh! We forgot to tell you too that she just dr-"

"I just dropped my classes.", I interrupted. And like I dropped my classes, I think she just dropped her jaw because I can see that she's in shock from what I just said.

"What? What about college? What are you gonna do? Santana, this is not the better way to move on! You're making your life miserable!"

"Calm your ass, Lucy! I-", I stopped my sentence when I saw the hurt on her face when I called her Lucy. God, I'm such a Bitch!, "Sorry, I-I mean, I just dropped because that's not what I want, I loved being in the Cheerios, but I need to grow up. I need to find the real me. I want to sing, Q. I want to be a singer, or be in a job where music is involved. So, I decided that maybe I can take some classes at NYADA like Kurt."

Quinn seated on one of the stools, and starts to drink her milk. I'm still waiting for her to say something but, why? I don't need her permission. I mean I'm the one who's going to make my own future, but I feel like I do really need and want to hear her opinion. She just got up from her seat, and making her way towards me, and I'm surprised by her action. She's hugging me now. So I hug back, and whisper, "Thank you."

"I'm happy for you.", She smiled, "So, I think I have more reason to visit here every weekend.", She added then I saw Kurt winking at her. I don't know what's going on here, but I can feel that something is about to happen.


3:57 PM


"Are these yours too?", Kurt asked, holding a powder and a blanket. He's helping me pack my things. In an hour I'm about to leave to go back to my dorm room in YALE. It's so sad to think that I'm about to leave, and not see Santana for 2 days, and three nights before the weekend. "Why don't you just leave your blanket here so that you don't have lots of baggage?", He added.

Glee - Love For The Second Time Around (Quinntana)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant