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It's finally good to be back in here. No words can describe how happy I am to be whole again, my mom and dad asked me to come back in our house. I am finally back in the Cheerios too, proud captain of the Cheerios, I missed being on the team, now everything feels right… To be fit in my uniform with no baby bump I can do whatever I want, feels like I was born again.

"Look at you, Quinnie. So beautiful with your Cheerios uniform, I'm happy that you chose the right path.", My dad says as we make our way to my room.

"And here we are, welcome back! Your room shouts 'I miss you'.",My mom excitedly says.

"Beautiful, nothing's changed, I miss this.", I said as I scanned the room.

"You know sweetie, me and your mom are happy, and very proud of you."

"Why?", I asked, I feel so overwhelmed, never had my father say that he's proud of me.

"Because, you're back on track, you're captain of the Cheerio, you're daddy's girl again.", I smirked at what he just said, "And I'm happy that you didn't keep the baby.", Her father said with a proud smile on his face.

It stung, all I can do was answer him back with a proud smile on my face, but deep inside, it kills me. I am happy to be back with my parents, but I'm still regretting for giving up Beth.

"Russell, please. She's still our Grand Daughter.", My mom said, I know she knows what I really feel, I'm like a transparent to her, my smile could lie but my eyes couldn't.

"What? That bastard child, even the man that knocked up our daughter looks like a bastard too."

"Dad, please leave Beth alone.", I said as I stand for my daughter.

"Quinnie, I don't wanna see that bastard child in our house, nor find out that you're still seeing her. You've been a big disappointment in this family, don't ruin my trust on you again. Don't make another mistake, that child is a sin."

You've been a disappointment. Don't ruin my trust on you.

That child is a sin.

That child is a sin.

That child is a sin.



"No…Beth, I love her. She's not- don't-, I wanna see her.", I heard a panting noise in my dream and another noise and another, then I realized I am not dreaming anymore, I'm awake and I really can hear those words, where are they coming from? I slowly open my eyes, and hear someone crying.

"Quinn?", I said as I scrunched my eyebrows, and slowly switch my attention to my left side.

Then I see tears on Quinn's face.

"Quinn, hey… hey, wake up!"

"Santana?", I was shocked when she pulled me, and hugged me like she finally escaped from someone that was chasing her from her dream, "Hey, it's okay, relax, just breathe. You want me to go get some water?", I offer as I rock her like a baby.

"No, please stay with me.", She asked me, and I answered with a tight hug as a sign of yes.


Glee - Love For The Second Time Around (Quinntana)Where stories live. Discover now