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It's been a week since Santana, Rachel and Kurt surprisingly came to my door and asked me to move with them and now I'm here, in the kitchen having dinner with my best friends.

Actually, they've never asked me or anything, they'd just go straight to my closet and throw all the things from it to my duffle bags.

I can say that my friends are literally insane. I had nothing to do but just stand there while watching them taking all my stuff, like they were a house breaker.


"What the hell guys? What are you three doing?" I asked, still shock from their sudden act.

"First of, we are girls! Not GUYS! And second of all, I think you have an idea of what you see we're doing" Kurt said, still taking some of my stuffed from my other dresser.


"Girls!" They said in unison

"Girls! I think you do remember what I had just said earlier, that I have to think about it first before I move in, and if I do want to move in?"

"Well, you can think about that in back there" Rachel said.

"And I really need a cuddle partner Quinn, and I think you do, too. So, why not stay with us?" Santana said with a smirk on her face. "And the real truth is that, the three of us don't want you to be stuck in this cozy room with that messy roommate of yours". She added. God! I really need a cuddle partner too, and if Santana will always be my cuddle partner? I think I don't want to get up from our bed anymore.

Oops! Did I just think of the word "ours".

"Ok" was the only word that comes out to my mouth.

"Good! It's settled then." Kurt said while putting some hair gel on his hair. Then he turn around and giving me a goofy smile.

"Ok! Let's go!"


Back to the present, I really don't know why Rachel and Kurt are staring at me since the start of this dinner time, well until now. And I can't help not noticing them, they are sitting right in front of me and Santana. Okay, wait. Are they staring at Santana too? Rachel is looking at us like we did something gross while Kurt is looking with a those sparkling eyes like he's watching another episode of Americas Next Top Model.

"Okay, I can't even finish this dinner with you both staring at me and Santana with that look, what's going on?" They look off guard and maybe the fact that I can't hide that I'm a little piss at them right now.

"Glad you noticed, Q" Santana interrupted before Kurt and Rachel could say something.

"Well- hhmmm, We uh! Kurt and I-uh! H-heard you both, having-"

"You can do it, Rachel!" Kurt said, still pacing at me, then switch to Santana and back again at me. Santana and I both crossed arms while waiting for Rachel to compose herself.

"It's that, Kurt and I heard you both h-"

"Having sex!"

"WHAT?" Santana and I said in Unison. I know both of us wants to jump up and punch the both of them right now. I mean, why on earth we would do that in here? when we both know that the only privacy we have is the F.U.C.K.I.N.G curtain? God! Please forgive me. And Santana and I are not together nor even dating to do that.

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