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Santana and Quinn rushed a flight to Lima the next morning, when Quinn got the message from her cousin Marley. Her parents got into a serious accident. Quinn tried to ask her cousin regarding her parents' condition, but she won't tell.  All she heard from the girl was "Everything is going to be fine."

Quinn told Santana that she can fly alone and she doesn't have to worry.  Still, the Latina insisted to go. It was 11:37 am when the plane lands in Lima and almost 1 in the afternoon when they got to the Lima Hospital and still, they haven't eaten anything.

Quinn first saw his uncle Ben, her father's brother.

"Quinnie!" Ben opens his arms for a hug that Quinn immediately falls into.

"What happened?" She asked.

"They're still investigating where the fire came from. But they're still sticking to their first conclusion that there was a foul play."

Quinn gasped. "Fire? Who would have done that?"

"I don't know too, honey. They said that it was night time when it all happened. Whoever did this to your parents made sure that they were both sleeping."

"They said, the doors were locked from the outside. We're glad your parents have a phone in their room. They called 911, but it was too late though," a red head girl added.

Santana thinks that maybe it is Quinn's cousin Marley.

"How serious is their condition?" Quinn asked in flooded tears.

"Both of them are in coma." the girl says.

Santana hugged Quinn to prevent her from falling to her knees.

"Do we have any suspect?" Santana asked.

"The Lopez's" Ben told them.

Santana knitted her brows. Are they talking about her parents?

Quinn turned around at the said last name. "Who??" Quinn asked as she looked at Santana.

"Maribel and Alberto Lopez." Marley interrupted.

"Whaa- why would my parents be involved in this?!" Santana asked loudly that the people in the hallway looked at her.

"You're their daughter?" Ben asked.

"Murderer!" An average tall blonde guy got up from his seat. Anger was showing in his face.

"Uncle Scott, Santana has nothing to do with this!" Quinn defended her girlfriend.

Scott is her mother's brother.

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