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Quinn POV:

I'm lying again…

I'm lying... because I don't want her to get involved. I don't want to hurt her again. 'Cause I don't want her to let me choose my daughter.

I know Santana, she'll do anything just to make me happy and she knows that for me, my daughter is the most precious thing in this world.

But I can't lose her either. I love her.

"Hey baby, are you okay? Is there something bothering you?", She asked, as she kisses my shoulder, that it makes me blinked out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, everything's- - - fine.", I stuttered a little.

"Are you sure, Q?", I know she can read me, but I'm glad I can still manage to hide things.

"Of course.", I smiled like everything is fine.

Puck is being a pain in the ass, 'two more days to decide', he said. I almost agreed with him but every time I looked with Santana… 'I can't', I always told myself.

"Hey lovers!", Kurt called, "It's time to get out of your cave, and join us here in the living room!"

"Coming!", She answered, "Come on, babe. Rachel is coming home with Puck.". my eyes got wide.

"PUCK?", Yes, I was shocked.

"I know right? Shocker!", She commented as she puts her shirt on, "I mean, who would have thought that he's living in New York? I thought he was in LA scrubbing pools and some old rich ladies that smells like eeeh… something.", She smirked and got up out our bed.

I can't compose anything. What if Puck slips something from his mouth? I'm not gonna let him do anything stupid.

"San, do you want to go with me? I need to buy something that I forgot yesterday."

"I need to help Kurt and Rachel in preparing, can we do that after?"

"No, it's fine. Just don't talk to Puck too much.", I told her ,and it gave her a confused look

"Hmmm, why?", She raised eyebrows, "Pfff! Are you jealous? Is my baby jealous?", She smiled as she thought that that was the real reason.

I nodded, even if it's not the real reason, "Yes. So don't, okay?"

"Yes ma'am.", she chuckled and shakes her head.

"Ladies!", Kurt called again.

"Coming!", we answered in unison.

"Oh Quinn, will you text Rachel that…"

"Kurt, what are you doing?", I asked.

"What do you mean of what am I doing?"

"Puck pushed you. Why are you letting him to come in here?", I angrily asked.

"That's why he wants to come in here, to say sorry. Maybe the guy has some problems, and we are his friends. And why are you mad? You're not the one he pushed to the wall?", He shakes his head and walked out.

Fuck! What now? I cannot be MIA the whole day. What if Kurt, Rachel or Santana insist him to stay for the night? Crap. Just kill me.

I've been walking around the mall for one hour and forty seven minutes, I've also ate lunch in some restaurant and kept on praying that when the time I got home, Puck should not be there, but I just got a message from Santana that Puck can wait until midnight. I can't be outside until midnight!

So, I don't have something to do but to just go back in the Apartment.

"Shit.", I keep on muttering as I wandering the street going back to our Apartment.

Glee - Love For The Second Time Around (Quinntana)Where stories live. Discover now