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I feel so lost. Are we going back to zero? Is this going to be the end of us? What if her mom tells her to go back to Lima? Should I catch her? I don't wanna go back to that place where I'm not accepted. I belong to this place, but Quinn is my home.

"Santana," Judy called for her attention "go sit in and have your dinner. I made something special for you all, you don't want to miss my cooking." the old Fabray says with a smile.

It's okay Santana, don't panic. She says in her mind.

The Latina shakes her head to get back to herself "Oh yeah, sure." she smiled back.

She repeats to herself "It's okay Santana, don't fucking panic."

Before the Latina shows up in the kitchen, Quinn immediately reached for her hand. "San, its okay. Everything is going to be fine," Quinn whispered and added, "Trust me." She left a kiss on the Latina's cheeks and squeezed her hand to calm her.

"Please, sit beside me." Santana tells Quinn.

"That's for sure, babe". Quinn winked which made Santana smile.

They arrived together in the dining area.

"Wow, this looks yummy, Mrs. Fabray!" Brittany squeals.

"Oh honey, just call me Judy." Santana find Judy adorable, simply because she's a perfect copy of Quinn but then, this doesn't make her less nervous.

"What is it called?" Kurt asked.

"This is my favorite dish to cook for my Quinn." Judy mentioned as she wiggle her eyebrows "It's Sear-Roasted Chicken with Orange-Tarragon Sauce."

"Sounds great, looks great and I think that tastes really great!" Sam commented.

"Oh don't worry son, I'll give you the recipe later."

What the hell?


She's already calling Sam, a son? Santana ranted out but only in her mind.

Each have taken their seats, most of them don't know how to start a conversation so they let Judy talk about how she's doing, let her ask questions and again says about blah, blah, blah.

"And you know what?" Judy looks at Quinn "Your father bought me a bouquet of white roses and my golly, I felt like 20 that day and who's not gonna be? It was Valentine's anyway." She laughs as everyone tries to mimic her laugh.

Yeah, they all feel nervous and uncomfortable.

"He looks through my eyes and begged for another chance." She says as her face begins to frown.

The old Fabray mimic her husband "Judy will you give me another chance?"  She air quote. "And I realized your dad is just a man. Men always do stupid things" she cries.

"Oh god." Quinn reacts.

She just realized that the sparkling cider already hit her mom and yeah she's a light weight.

"Mom, come on. Dad is stupid. Just don't let him come back to us."

"To you." Quinn specifically added.

"But I already did." Her mom stated.

"Is that why you came here to tell me you two are together again? He's gonna do stupid things. Aren't you done of being hurt again and again? He's not yet over with San's-" Quinn stopped. Yes, she realized what name almost came out from her mouth.

Glee - Love For The Second Time Around (Quinntana)Where stories live. Discover now