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Santana can't find her words. How the hell I didn't noticed it wasn't Quinn but Brittany.

Kurt and Rachel ran towards the kitchen, stopped in their tracks when they saw another blonde.

"What's happening?"

"Is there something wrong?", Brittany finally asked as she still didn't know about Quinn and Santana.

Santana's mouth hung open. She can't compose any single word, her heart tightened when she saw Quinn's face so upset.

"Hello? Space out people?", Brittany furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Santana, "Oh! I know, I forgot to say 'Surprise!', so 'surprise!", Brittany jumped to the Latina beside her, she hugged her and kissed her on the lips.

Oh no! You fucking whore! Quinn still didn't say anything but her knuckles starts to tighten and ready to go all Lima heights when suddenly...

"Hola, Jesus! Back from the dead!", Sugar came in with another woman beside her.

"Surprise!", The older woman exclaimed.

"Mami?", Oh hell no! How can I survive this? Brittany kissed me, Quinn caught us, then there's Sugar, and my mom... This is nightmare!

"This is going to be a terrible night, Kurt.", Rachel whispers to Kurt.

"Yeah and full of drama.", Kurt shakes his head and sighed.


The Classic Restaurant...

Sugar insisted to have their dinner in one of their own Restaurants in New York, The Classic. Santana hesitated to go out 'cause this was supposed to be her date night with Quinn, but like a hurricane came by, then everything she did was ruined.

She keeps on trying to hold hands and talk with Quinn but the small blonde keeps ignoring her.

They're all in a one long table... Quinn is sitting between Rachel and Sugar, and Kurt sitting beside Rachel... On the other side, there's Santana between her mom and Brittany.

"So, someone told me about you Mija, that you got into BAE! I'm so proud of you.", Santana just fake smiled, although she's really happy she got in.

"I knew you'd love to dance ballet again. Thanks to Brittany, I know this girl inspires you.", Maribel said as she taps Brittany's hand.

"No, actually Quinn inspires me, and she's the one who helped me with my audition.", Santana says as she looked to Quinn.

"Oh, I didn't know she's kind of involved in ballet too, I thought the only thing she knows is to shout and wave pom-poms.", Maribel eyed Quinn with sarcasm. Ever since, Maribel doesn't want her daughter to be friends with Quinn.

"Well, now you know Mrs. Lopez. Let me tell you a secret, I heard you shout before, and I must say that you're better than I imagined."

Rachel coughed, spits out her iced tea and said 'sorry's'

Quinn smirked like she kicked the old woman's face. Santana eyed the two women like there was something that happened before for Quinn to snap her mom like that.

"T-tell me about you two?", Maribel looked at Rachel and Kurt, immediately changing the topic.

"Umm, we're both doing great in NYADA... Actually, we will be having a stage presentation by next week, if you want to come we can give you free tickets.", Rachel answered for the both of them and beamed a smile.

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