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It's been a month since Santana and I came here in New York to visit the Hummel-Berry's apartment, and of course, not just the apartment. One day both of our phones beeped; Lady Hummel's text says he needs our help, because he thinks that Rachel was being insane agreeing to a topless scene for some short film at NYADA. Then Kurt said that if we have nothing to do on the weekends, we can come visit them.

I just took off the bus from YALE, making my way to the Hummel Berry's Apartment, that's how both Santana and I liked to call it.

Hmm, I really don't know what street I'm on, not really familiar with New York streets. I'm like an idiot here, couldn't keep my eyes from looking side to side. I'm still amazed with all the stores here, they look like props, but they're not. While I enjoy the sights of, I don't know what street, I felt my phone vibrate inside my purse. Digging through it, and finally finding my phone, there was a text from Santana.

Incoming Santana: Hey Quinn, are you coming home? I mean here in the Hummel-Berry's apartment? I'm the only one here, Kurt will be home pretty late and I think Rachel is with her sex addict boyfriend Brody.

I chuckled at her text, this girl was kind of crazy.

Quinn: Yeah, I'm on my way now. Want me to grab you some Chinese?

Incoming Santana: Yah, that's great, thanks.

Actually, I'm the one who's really craving for Chinese, and I don't want to eat and enjoy it by myself. So now my problem is, where the hell am I going to buy Chinese food? I aske some bystanders on the streets and then here I am in front of...

"Subete Oishī? Great! It is Japanese not Chinese, damn it!", I muttered but still I decided to order whatever they have... I'm really starving right now and I just want to eat something... with San.

"Hi, can I have that? That? And that please.", I just pointed towards some food that looks delicious for me. "And oh, do you have some ice cream?", Okay what am I thinking? Ice cream? Inside a Japanese fast food restaurant?"

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't have ice cream here.", the cashier said. What? I just tried my luck, and it's not really for me, it's for San. These past few days I always caught her looking on at the picture of her and Brittany that's stowed away in her wallet. It really hurts my insides seeing Santana so upset, although sometimes we're like cats and dogs, bickering and insulting each other. These past few days I always talked to her, so that her attention wouldn't be on Brittany like always. I really like Santana, even though she was a big bitch to me, but she's very special to me. Same goes for Brittany, but I mostly care about San.

I snapped back to realization when the cashier literally snapped her finger in front of my face "Miss, your order is complete, and there are others behind you who want to order."

"Okay fine, thanks! And you're fucking rude!", I snapped back, 'cause I was embarrassed.


Sometimes I forget the ethics of knocking, so instead of doing it, I just slide the door wide open with excitement. I just really wanna catch up on the episode of Two Broke Girls, then I was shocked when I saw Santana on the couch crying.

"Hey San, are you crying?", that was a stupid question. Then I saw her reddened eyes look at mine, and she started to sob again. It did sting seeing her like that.

Glee - Love For The Second Time Around (Quinntana)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt