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When I see her eyes shut, I was full of panic. It feels like everything stopped… My heart beat, my breathing, my world, everything. I called her name out loud, hoping that she'd hear me and respond. I shook her many times; I cried for her name again and shouted for some help. 'I can't lose her' those words kept on repeating in my head, until some people I guess heard me, 'cause the next thing I realized we were in a car owned by a stranger. It didn't matter who's with us anymore, all that matters to me was to take my girlfriend to the hospital.

I dialed Kurt and thank god he responded immediately.

"Quinn? Quinn?", He sounds so panicked, so I've thought that he knew what happened.

"K-Kurt…", I responded while I can't control my sobbing, "We're h-heading in NYU Hospital. P-please, I need you…", And with that Kurt knows what to do.

The car stopped in front of the emergency door, the guy who was helping us immediately got out from the car and asked for some help from the nurses.

It didn't take too long when some of the nurses ran out from the door with a ready hospital bed to head Santana in the O.R.

We were still in the emergency hallway heading to the O.R, when I see her eyes opened a little, and was trying to open her eyes wide open but she couldn't, she's looking everywhere asking for my name.

"San! San!", I called for her attention, I clasped her hands and kissed her knuckles, "San, please listen to me okay!?", She barely nodded, "We're in the hospital. I need you to stay with me, okay? I need you to stay until they get you in the O.R., and can you do that?", She nodded. "San, please talk to me, please…", I pleaded. I need to hear her! I need to hear her voice.

"Q Quinn, don't… don't l-leave me… please.", She gripped harder to my hand, "Quinn, I'm s-scared. I can't see anything.", She cries… Those words make me sob even more, but I covered my mouth with my hands so that she can't hear me crying. Seeing her like this tears me apart.

I composed myself, "Ssshhhh… Baby, please don't cry, I'll stay with you, okay?", She nods. "Can I go with her, please?", I asked one of the nurses and getting my hopes up.

The nurse shakes her head no, "I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't.", then we came into our destination.

"Quinn… Please… I'm so fuckin' scared…", her voice breaks that I can barely hear the words she says.

"San, San…", I whispered, "I'm so s-sorry baby, but I c-can't go.", I kissed her forehead, "Please be strong for me, okay? For our friends and for your parents, okay?", She just nodded again, "I love you… I love you…"

"Ma'am you have to let her hands go now, she needs oxygen.", Then I let her go, and when the door got closed, I started to break down, then someone just grabbed me in time before I collapsed… Puck.

I was shocked when I saw him, what is he doing here? But then I didn't bother to ask. He led me towards the visitors' area and we sat.

"Puck, please tell me that I'm just dreaming. Please…", I begged him as I look into his eyes, then his eyes got foggy and let out tears, that explain that I am really not dreaming, "I love her so much. I can't lose her."

"She's your...?", He did try to asked

"Girlfriend.", I finished his thoughts.

"Quinn, I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry.", He said, "What happened?", He asked.

"It was my entire fault, if I just listened to Rachel to just stay and don't go anywhere, it wouldn't have happened, we tried to escape!", I can't explain everything, not now. "What are you doing here anyway?", I finally asked.

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