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Franklin's Diner...

"So, this Chicken Burger is for Table 3, Fries Spaghetti, and these drinks for Table 9…", Ali dictates as she biting the pen she's holding… She was the first person that I got close to when I started working here in Franklin's Diner a couple of weeks ago.

"Aha, noted! Is there anything else?", I ask for more as I get the trays from the counter.

"Nope, that will be all…", She says as she winked at me.

Yep, I'm working as a waitress … Santana Lopez… working as a waitress. I can tell that working in a Diner was very exhausting, much of an exhausting as I practice every day when I was a Cheerio in High School. Well, this is kind of different actually… No Sue Sylvester, No running around the campus five fucking times and I can eat what I wanted to eat, but still I have to maintain my glorious body.

"Table three. Hi, your order is complete.", I said as I smile back to the customer at that table.

"Table ni-.. Where's?", I asked to no one and getting confused, 'cause no one's sitting at that table.

"Oh, hi Jesse, have you seen customers at this table?", I asked Jesse, one of my co-workers as I pointed to the table.

"Umm, yeah, actually I only seen a kid, hmmm, right there.", She pointed, "Yah, that blonde kid."

"Thanks!" I left the tray on the table nine and make my way towards the little blonde.

"Hi angel, what are you doing here by yourself?", I asked with a smile on my face.

"First of all, neym is not Angel. Second of all, I is nevur give you my neym 'cause you is stranger, but you can call me Boo-Boo, that's how my mommy calls me. Third of all, I don't have a 'third of all' actually." She said with a goofy smile on her face. Whoa! It was really a sarcastic answer to my 'Hi' to her, but I can't get mad 'cause she's smiling and looks so innocent that saying all of that was just normal for a kid like her.

"Wow, that was nice of you.", I snorted, "How old are you kiddo?", I said as I kneel down to talk to her better.

"I is three!", She answered as she counts her fingers, "hmm, I wants to pee, can you take me to the bathroom?"

"Of course Boo-Boo.", I said as I shuffle her hair, "but we better get fast, 'cause your food is already on yours and your mommy's table, and she might be back any second.", I told her.

"'Kay.", She smiled and gripped the hem of my skirt.


"F'nish!", She shouts from the last on the left cubicle door.

"Okay, come here, let's wash your hands.", And the little blonde did what Santana said.

"Boo-Boo, are you there?!", I heard a familiar voice outside the bathroom.

"That's my mommy! Hmm, I is going, stranger! Tenchu!", She thanks and left. But I need to see that little girl's mother, she really sounded familiar… but when I'm about to go outside and see, Ali came.

"Santana, I think you forgot to turn off your phone, it keeps on ringing in your locker and actually you forgot to lock your locker, so I got your phone, here…", Then she handed me my phone.

"Thanks!", I said as she's about to go back in the counter area.

As I check out my phone, I saw many messages and miscalls from Rachel… Well, I have nothing to be scared about, it's just sometimes… Well, actually all the time, Rachel was such a drama queen. But still, I did a dial call back to her.

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