Select A King| Youngbin choice

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You have chosen the path for

Kim Youngbin.This path

is for you, the Queen, to be

married to the prince of Yan.

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Gently, you placed one foot in front of the other, carefully inspecting your surroundings as you did so. The room was ever so quite, and with the exception of you and the person beside you, everyone was fast asleep. This was the perfect chance for you both to finally sneak out of the palace without your butler running after you.

"My queen," a harsh whisper came from beside you. "Be careful! If we are caught because of the floor squeaking, we won't be able to get out!"

It wasn't my fault this palace was old!

You kept your response within your head, following discreetly behind your husband as he tip-toed across the wooden floors of the throne room. It was the only route you could take that didn't go past the butler's room. You both wanted to avoid him waking up, as he would eventually convince you to stay inside.

But it was Christmas. And the beautiful white color of the snow was too tempting to not see in person. Staring from inside the palace walls for years on end was something you were forced to do, but now with a new companion, you appreciated the help.


Just as Youngbin cracked open the doors to the throne room, ready to peer outside at the snow-covered ground, a familiar voice paused his movements. Your back stiffened at the fear of being caught, and immediately you clenched onto your husband's jacket.

"My king and queen?" Butler Kyung asks in suspicion, rounding the corner of the throne room to glance over at you. You dared not to move and stayed in your hunched position, as if he wouldn't notice you if you stayed still. He sighed. "You both do know I can see you."

You held your breath.

Suddenly, as Butler Kyung inched forward, you felt your hand being tugged in another direction. Youngbin had nearly dragged you through the small crack in the large doors, slamming it closed the minute your feet crunched in the snow.

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