I Can't Get It|Hyunjin(Stray Kids)

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A dark, fiery red magic technique swarmed around me like a shield. I kept my eyes tightly closed to keep focus, hands held out to further give energy to the magic. My arms were feeling the struggle with each passing minute, taunting me to give up.

Just breathe!

Pushing harder, my force enlarging the spell in hopes that it would work. But all too quickly it collapsed at my fingers, being absorbed back into my hands as the spell was broken. My eyes popped open at the immediate change to find someone standing in my way of the object I wished to cast on.

He smirked at me, poking the object in interest. "I see you're at again, Na Ri. Have you succeeded yet?"

My face contorted in aggravation as I flick my wrist to the right of me, moving the object away from his hands. "I would have if it were not for you," I grumble. I gently placed down the vase from mid air before facing the intruder again. "Why are you here?"

He leans against the podium that the vase use to sit on. It tips slightly with the extra weight, but he ignored it and crossed his legs to secure his place. "Can I not visit my fiancé when I so please?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. "Darling, now is not the time. I'm practicing for the big event in two days. If I can't get this spell down by then Teacher will punish me."

Hyunjin's fangs suddenly pop out of his mouth, followed by a deafening hiss. "He won't dare to touch you," he threatens, his body stiffening at the thought of another man coming near me. "Not on my territory."

Another eye roll. "It isn't your area yet. Not until we wed officially, which isn't for another month." I sigh, walking over to the book shelf on my far left side. "But that isn't the point, Hyunjin. I'm asking you for some peace time in order for me to study and learn well. What good would a queen be if she can't cast a simple spell such as this?"

He tsked at my reply. "What kind of spell is it?"

My fingers grazed the spine of several books as I searched for the right one. "A witch spell, darling. Even if I explain which one you would be clueless."

I felt his movement before he was right behind me, hand over my own. "Is the spell more important than me? I have free time right now and I wish to be with you."

I casted him a side glance. "Why don't you find something else to do within the castle. I'm sure your father will have loads for you to deal with." My fingers pull out a spell book and slowly turn each page until I found what I needed. "Afterall, a soon-to-be king is never not busy."

Kissing his cheek quickly, I move to go back towards the area I started in. But his scent followed me closely behind, him not heeding a word I had said. "What exactly does this spell do anyway?"

"My love, even if I explained it would you know?"

"No, but the least you can do is indulge me."

I nodded to that. "I guess so." I set down the book before waving the vase back down onto the podium. "It's a fire spell, really. The point is to get a fire dragon to breathe into the vase."

Hyunjin chuckles. "Why is this such a problem for you? Fire is your strength in magic."

I shook my head to his words. "Not dragon magic, I'm afraid. Sorcerers and witches of many years experience can do this spell with ease. I only now can manage to work all the Earth elements. If I want to call upon a elements Dragon I'd need a lot of practice."

"Why is it that you are doing it this year?"

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath to start the ritual all over again. "Because I will be the future Queen. It is only right." I let out the breath through a loud huff before signaling my energy back into my hands. "Be a dear and close the door on your way out?"

Several hours had passed after he left. I attempted the same spell, over and over, to no avail. By the time night rolled in I had given up and solemnly made my way into my royal bedroom. The large golden area was empty today. The marble floor cold and ruthless feeling. My dark, blood red bed was also empty, surprisingly.

I plopped onto it with exhaustion, staring up at the red veil that blocked my view of the ceiling. It's empty color reminded me of my spell that I had casted more than enough times today. Not wanting to see it any longer, I squeezed my eyes shut and awaited for sleep to take over me.

Not even a second later, I felt his presence. He immediately ran to my side, slipping his mouth to my ear to whisper, "Are you trying to sleep?"

I groaned in annoyance. "Does it look like anything else?" I questioned a bit harshly, rolling to my side in hopes he would leave me alone. But he didnt, the evident arm sneaking across my waist telling me he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

"Did you get the spell to work?"

"What do you think?"

He hugged me close to his chest, his slim finger drawing circles on my bare arm. "I believe you will get it eventually, Na Ri. Only time will tell."

My fist tightened around the red blankets. "Are you here for a feast? A late night dessert you couldn't get from the beasts caught for dinner?" The bitter tone in my voice was clear, but it came out so easily I felt bad. I didn't want to be mad at him.

He chuckles, though. "If you had attended dinner you would know my mother requested vegetable soup in honor of my future wife. But alas, you had rejected the offer because your mind was so wrapped up in your performance."

"Taking a break when I didn't succeed anything would hurt my pride," I mumble.

Hyunjin stops the movement of his hand. "Why is that? Not everyone here can do nearly as much as you can. Wizards that are your age have barely half of your experience. You are too harsh on yourself."

"If I'm not stern, I won't ever be able to master the technique. If I can't even call upon an element dragon, how could I possibly be queen of all the people? Not only vampires, but witches, werewolves. All of those people look and seek leadership from your kingdom."

A soft, gentle kiss was placed onto my cheek. "You are perfect, Na Ri."

I turned my head slightly to look at my fiancé who hovered over me, a sincere expression across his face. "You have so much faith in me. Why?"

He smiles cheekily. "Why would I not be proud of my bride? I picked you out of millions." His face then turns into annoyance. "If not, the king would have made me marry a siren. They are too slimy for me."

A giggle escaped my lips before I could register it. "And a witch is better?"

He nods. "Of course! You can call upon dragons!"

I smiled at his enthusiasm before placing a kiss to his lips. "Alright, alright. You can have a small snack before bed. But not too much, I've already lost enough energy today."

Hyunjin sits us up and moves so that he sat behind me. Gently he brushes my dark hair out of the way, giving a clear way to my pale skin. He sinks in his teeth almost immediately, causing me to clench my teeth at the sudden pain. But it slowly started to smooth away as the blood was sucked out.

Not much later I could feel exhaustion overwhelm me. My eyes started to drift closed as Hyunjin lays me down on the bed again. I watch him bring a blanket around me before kissing my temple and leaving the room for the night.

"I love you," his whisper sounded through me as I fell asleep.

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