When You're Here | Jisung (skz)

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When the day comes to an end you find yourself shutting down. As if the energy you had throughout your activities suddenly dissipates into thin air, leaving you with nothing. You feel drained by the end of it, but you keep moving. There's nothing else for you to do when you didn't even have the will to cry and let out all the emotions that seemingly piled up.

Like most nights, you enter your apartment in the dark, not bothering to turn on many lights. It was a routine to greet your kitten at the front door before throwing your belongings on the couch, too tired to even worry. You knew that in the morning, not being able to get yourself up in time, you'd pick the items back up and rush out the door.

However, this night wasn't the same as always. Your sweet little Yoshi rushed away after a quick pet to her head, confusing you. The pattern you had grown quite fond of was changed just the slightest. So, you followed her as she trailed further into the apartment, mindlessly dropping your things as you went.

"Come here sweet baby," you mumble, rubbing your fingers together as you called for her.

You stood up the minute you saw a familiar silhouette standing before the far living room window. You felt your heart quicken it's pace as you came closer, your breath catching in your lungs. There before you was the main reason you've truly been happy, and he turned to you with the softest of smiles.

"Welcome home."

Chills run down your spine at the sound of his voice. The familiarity of it all, the comfort, the peace. It all brought such a pleasant aura that you missed so dearly since he'd been gone. You had gone back into a routine without him, finding yourself dragging your feet to even get ready for bed, but now that he was there before you, you knew it was all going to be okay.

Slowly, you inch closer to him, forgetting about Yoshi as she circled around his legs. You reached out a hand to him, raising it up to cup his cheek tenderly and watch him lean into it.

"Jisung," you whisper. "You're home."

He chuckled lightly. "I wasn't gone that long. You act as if I've been enlisted and came back after two years."

You smiled, despite such a terrible joke. "I missed you terribly, though."

He hums in agreement, putting his arms around your waist to pull you closer. Jisung releases a deep breath, closing his eyes to lean into your touch. He gives you a tight squeeze, hands running up to roam your back before settling back on your hips.

You reach your free arm up to curl around his neck as he begins to sway back and forth, letting the two of you soak in the moment. A soft smile grew on his lips when he opened his eyes to see you gazing at him with so much adoration. His big doe eyes showing the same amount of love for you, possibly even more.

He would never be able to understand how much you needed him during these times. Words wouldn't quite describe such a feeling. Despite this, he still always seemed to make everything right again when he was there. Just his presence alone made the feelings from before disappear and recenter your thoughts solely on him. Even if you tried, you couldn't replace such an overwhelming sensation of bliss.

You move your right arm to loosely hand from his other shoulder, allowing him to guide the both of you in a widely stepped circle. It was almost as if you were both sweetly dancing to music and your heads. He turns you again, shifting his palm to rest flat against the upper part of your back.

Jisung leans to rest his cheek against yours, placing a delicate kiss to the top of your ear. He didn't speak another word as he held you tenderly, knowing that without you he was just as lost as you were without him. Instead, he held you just a little more tightly, enough to keep him grounded for quite some time.

Yoshi suddenly makes her presence known again as she curls up to your leg, reminding you that she was still very hungry despite having been the one to break the routine first. You laugh lightly and remove yourself from Jisung's hold, reaching down to pet your kitten and reassuring her that she has not been forgotten.

"I'll feed her," He says. "You go take your shower."

A small smile graced your lips. "Thank you," you whisper.

It was difficult to remember that when he was back he would attempt to take on some of your daily things. Whether it was him coming back from being gone for a couple of months, or the opposite, when he leaves after being with you for a couple of months, You had to adjust your habits. Although sometimes it reveals itself to be a little more difficult than planned. Jisung was nothing more than understanding through it all, reminding you that you understand him very well too.

As you got ready for your shower, your mind no longer racing with stress or worry, you realized the thing you needed the most was your lover, who appeared just in time. While you hadn't considered him to be the absolute source of your happiness, he wasn't too far from it. It was only a moment of time before you started to imagine what the future had in store for the two of you.

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