Mermaid Tale| I.M(Monsta X)

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Among the land were people with legs that walked the Earth for many centuries. They interacted with one another throughout time and proceeded to grow. Yet, underneath the blue waters of the planet were beings much like their own. These sea creatures were known to be mermaids; similarities between the two were visuable. The difference, though, was that mermaids had tails to swim around and adjust to the water as oppose to humans who had legs and feet.

Eventually, with time, these creatures had met. It had started many years ago between one pretty mermaid and a curious young human man. They met through circumstances that was not by choice, but both going against rules accustomed to life. Humans were not allowed to interact with the merfolk, and likewise for the merfolk to humans. It was forbidden at the time, and still continued for decades to past. They had fallen in love and suffered many times throughout their lifetime.

Their love did not go to waste, though. Both vowing to be born again to save both species was a special promise the heavens wanted to keep. And so, two beings were born to revive the love shared between a mermaid and a human.


Hae-Ju's point of view

A furious, loud crack of thunder roared above the ocean waves. The waters became more feverish as the time passed, wrecking anything in its path and consuming it. I floated with the current, lightly adding pressure to the bottom half of my body to keep me from moving too much. While the storm worked to create a disaster, I watched within the waters where I felt it was safe.

My tail flicked a few times when the waters became too rough the closer I came to the surface, trying to keep myself submerged yet wanting to see what it was like on land. I was tempted just to peek a little ways above to watch the storm crash onto shore. But the warnings my father gave out constantly held me just a little ways beneath the surface.

My face contorted bitterly as I recalled how often and persistent my father was about humans. Humans were bad, I was told. Nothing good could come out of meeting one and that it was safer in the ocean. Something inside of my head had suggested that maybe father didn't know everything, as he likes to think he does. Maybe, just maybe, humans could be kind. I didn't find being nice to someone very hard, as I was always quite friendly with other merfolk and sea creatures.

Sighing, I rocked with the waves as the storm continued. When I tilted back my head to look at the top of the ocean, I noticed a narrow and long shadow just inches away from my face. I gasped in surprise, rushing to put space between myself and the human trinket.

"Good Poseidon!" I huff, a hand to my heart as if to stop it's continuous rapid beats. My body felt shaky after nearly being scared to death by the sudden appearance.

After moment of staring at the long shadow, I recognized it as something my father warned me of. He said that shadows like those always had a human strapped to it. Humans would tie themselves to a long board and float on water all day long. But why would a human be way out here? And during a storm at that.

Curiosity took the better of me and caused my body to slowly float upwards, right beside the trinket. It wobbled and swayed with the harsh wind, growing more attention from my end as I awaited to see what could happen. If I didn't have my father's words engraved in my head, I would be braver and reach out to touch it.

A pity I was so good at doing the right thing.

All too quickly the waves had absorbed another human item, submerging the entire thing with pounds of heavy water. I pushed hard on my tail to keep myself in place, trying hard to see what happened to the board as the water cleared up. When the bubbles were out of my sight, my eyes darted everywhere to find the trinket.

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