The Butt| Felix (Stray Kids)

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Your yelp echoed in the small apartment, the startle in your tone quite evident. Now a little jumpy from the action against your behind, you swing around to face the culprit. Your heart was racing and facial expression showed your absolute confusion.

"Lee Felix?!"

He had a large smile across his lips as he gazed at you. "I'm sorry my love, but it was too tempting. It was just....there."

Felix curls his arms around you from behind, squeezing you tightly so you couldn't wiggle from his grip. His head nuzzled into the side of yours, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your fuzzy sweater. He hummed when you reached up a hand to hold the back of his head, fingers in the hair.

"So you smacked my butt because it was just....there?" You repeat sarcastically. You were stunned to say the least, as Felix was never one to do something like that. The yelp of surprise was a good indication of that.

Felix was smiling smugly into your shoulder, you could tell. "Can you blame me? You look wonderful, as always, and it's been so tempting."

You roll your eyes with a tsk of your tongue. You wanted to laugh, but you couldn't give him the satisfaction. After a moment, though, you had to cave. You needed to know something.

"Does this skirt really make my butt look good?"

Felix snorts loudly, attempting to pull away from his hold on you. Your cry in resistance made him pull your closer, though, as he giggles softly. "Yes, you look amazing."

"But specifically in the skirt, right? I got it off of Amazon, you know me and my online shopping, and I thrifted this new sweater. I figured we could go on a little errand date today and wanted to look, you know, cute!"

He couldn't help it this time, he had to pull away to laugh. He bends over, hands on his knees as his cry of laughter bellows out. You couldn't resist the giggles too, realizing how quickly you spewed the words for approval. Felix's eyes were glowing when he looked up to you again, grin larger than his lips could take.

"Yes, my love, you look absolutely ravishing. Even if I was completely unaware of your intentions---and this date, by the way---you still attracted me perfectly into your seduction and captivated me." His laid his accent on thick, making sure to sound as sophisticated as possible as he reached for your hand.

"I expect nothing less from my dearest true love," you mimicked him, accepting his hand. You watched him pull you closer, kissing the top of your hand. Then, with his other arm, wrapping it around your waist.

His lips rested softly on your forehead for a seconds length. "You are hilarious, you know that?" Pulling back to look into your mischievous eyes. "What's this date you mentioned?"

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