What is fluff? |I.M (Monsta x)

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"Are you...reading a fanfiction about me?"

The surprise in his voice was evident. You hadn't expected your boyfriend to be home so soon, and definitely not him seeing the tumblr app open on your phone. You never leave it open on tumblr, but you just had to go to the bathroom in such a hurry.

You smiled sheepishly at him. "It's so intriguing! I never expected them to get your character so perfectly." You reached towards his hand and gently pried your phone out.

Changkyun stared at you bemused. "But you're my girlfriend. What more can you imagine me doing that I don't already do for you?"

You plopped onto your shared bed, wiggling into the covers and patting the seat next to you. "Sit tight, my love. You are about to explore the world of fanfiction and it's almighty powers."

He became skeptical, but snuggled in close anyway. He peered over your shoulder as you scrolled to the top of the tumblr page and typed in specific words. "Changkyun scenarios?"

You nod. "This will hopefully get me to where I want. I'm trying to find the clean stories if I can. Have to start you off small."

"Clean? You mean there's dirty fictions?" His eyes widened, watching you scroll expertly through the app and bypass some more explicit stories.

"Here!" You exclaim, leaning closer to him for his better sight. "This story is a fluff drabble. Short and sweet. I like this one a lot."

He raised an eyebrow. "What is...fluff?"

You pouted at him, patting the top of his head lightly in sympathy. "Fluff is the clean but sweet stories. You can combine it with angst, which is sad, and smut, which is explicit. We want to start you off simple and sweet before we break your heart with angst."

"Why didn't you search fluff then?"

"Because then we would get smut. That's just how tumblr works."

He closed his lips tightly after that. He read the story along with you silently, letting you scroll the page when he was finished to move to another story. Changkyun was starting to enjoy the short drabbles, even though he felt a little strange reading one about himself.

"I totally would do that!" He snorted, grabbing the phone from your hand and rolling over. "How do they know me so well?!"

You gaped at his actions. "Hello! That's my phone dude. I was enjoying my peace alone with my stories. I didn't expect you to be home, and-" you stopped to yank the phone back from him. " I definitely didn't think you would take this from me."

He shyly smiled at you from beneath the covers. "That was a fluff about us though..." His words drifted off as he looked away. "And they got my character so on point."

You nod again. "Precisely why I enjoy reading these when you are not present. However, if you keep acting up, I will have no choice but to start reading Wonho fantasy fanfics again."

Changkyun sat up quickly, swinging his body to completely face you. His eyes were wide again and his body stiffened. "Wonho what? You read them about him too?!"

"Aha..." you let out a light laugh. "Uh, goodnight!" With speedy hands, you swung out an arm towards your glow in the dark duck light. You tapped the top of it's head, causing the room to go dark again. Without another word, you snuggled deep into the covers and pulled your boyfriend back into the bed for sleep.


Just wanted to make a disclaimer: I'm not 100% sure how any idol would act upon reading a story of themselves. I figured this would be a cute idea to think about introducing them to the fluff world. I'm not a fan of smut myself, but for the stories sake I added it.

I'm not in anyway saying this is how he will or will not act. It's a fanfiction, which means its fake.

Side note: I no longer can identify which member is my bias🥲

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