Masked Dream| Felix (Stray kids)

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When the mask comes off, the night ends. When the mask comes off, the thrill of a chase ends. When the mask comes off, the deepest desires within your heart also ends. When the mask comes off, you are forced to wake up from the dream your mind escapes to---and everything ends.

A ball was held that evening in your palace. A ritual ball, one made yearly to keep your place as the Queen, high and unmatched. A royal ball that was always exquisitely and delicately designed each year to impress those of status and keep the routine.

With your heart elsewhere, endlessly searching the crowd for a familiar face, it was difficult to enjoy the night. Recently, your entire world has changed because of someone else. They made your sight more clear, your heart more filled, and your mind more open to the continuous routines of royalty. Now, yearly balls like this have no appeal to you anymore. Though, it was freshened up with the help of wearing masks in addition to new music.

He was nowhere to be seen in the ballroom. His ideas had stood ground and became real, with many stories of what his home was like and the differences in lifestyle. The music he had played for you, claiming it was something he learned from his home, was now ringing in your ears and catching your attention. It was not music your people were accustomed to, but it seemed to bring them all joy nonetheless. The stories he had told of different dancing styles that were now being enjoyed amongst your guests created laughter. They accepted change very easily when it came to him.

Your heart felt so broken knowing why it was he didn't attend your masquerade party. You recall him mentioning many times before how much he missed his home. How he yearned to be with the people he loved, his family and friends, and how he at least owed them an explanation for his absence. You had tried to convince him to stay, to write letters or visit on occasion, but he told you it wouldn't work. That his life was different. No matter how hard you had tried to understand, you couldn't quite grasp the concept of his world being so different to that extent.

No, you didn't want to understand.

Wherever he was from, whoever he was, you didn't want to know the truth. If anyone had questioned his origin, his status, or anything about him at all, you were the first to defend him. To hide it all. And now that your life has changed so much because of him, you feel even more empty than you did before he came. He wasn't even there to witness his effect on your world and your people. The people you wanted him to rule as well.

Your eyes suddenly met his in the crowd. Although he was masked, a dark black intricate design covering most of his face, you could recognize him anywhere. Surprised, you lent to the edge of your seat to catch a better glimpse. He stood still, watching you as well. As you go to move to stand from your throne, he slips back into the crowd and swiftly glides last everyone.

The rush of adrenaline fills your body as you quickly grasp your gown into your hands and race down the stairs. No one noticed your presence as you squeezed past the dancing couples and followed the same path he did. Out the balcony doors you went, the cold wind biting harshly at your exposed arms. However, you pushed through to run into the garden, not looking behind once.

Felix was sitting on the bench when you rounded high bushes, cautiously walking towards him. His mask now pushes his dark, long hair back and out of his eyes. He turns to meet your eyes again, but this time sharing a smile with you. He pats the space beside him, encouraging you to sit as well.

"What are you doing back here?" Is all you could manage to say. You felt shocked to see him at all, especially after the goodbyes he gave you the day prior. But you had hoped he would show, and that's why you were so desperately searching the crowd for his familiar eyes of fire. The flame that never died.

Felix turns his legs toward you and reaches a hand to your own, placing his on top. "My dearest love," he speaks softly. His left hand moves to caress the side of your face. "I don't have much time to say goodbye."

"We said our goodbyes before," you sadly mention. How could you forget? Your heart was aching because of that. "Why must you hurt me again?"

Felix smiles bitterly. "This goodbye is not the same. I have some unfinished feelings I would love to regret if I don't fulfill them now."

You grip his right hand tightly between your own and lean into the palm on your cheek. "Whatever you request of me, I will make happen like all the others you have requested before. Say it. Your word is my command, my darling, and if this be your last request I would only be able to listen."

Felix plays with the ends of your hair that was not tucked into the style your maids twisted it into. He took a deep breath before removing himself from you completely to stand. He outreaches his hand to you again before pulling you close into his chest.

"If I must make this request, I will do so after a dance. Dance with me, my love. While the music is faint, let us dance the way my home does. The way I have taught you."

And so you did. His hand wraps around your waist, pulling you even closer, and guides your hands around his neck. You began to sway gently as the intimate position forced your breath from your lungs. Oh, how you wished to stay like this forever.

Your fingers slip into his black hair, pulling on the ends softly. Your eyes look into his own, feeling as if you had to read his thoughts for them to be known. He didn't speak as he continued to sway, just smiling softly at you. It was like every other problem had washed away with him in your arms.

All too soon, the song ended. Stepping away, you both bow to one another as a courtesy from your home. Even more so than before, you could feel your heart beating harshly against your chest. You began to count the beats to ensure they were regular. You didn't look at Felix this time.

"My Queen," he whispers. He reaches to remove the purple mask from your eyes, gently placing it on the bench. "There are so many things I must explain, like who I am and where I come from. But for now, I am only able to tell you this."

You grasp his forearms to keep him from pulling away. "You don't have to tell me anything-!"

He shook his head. "No, darling, I must. It is for the best that I do so now while you are happy within my grasp." He tucks a tendril from the side of your face behind your ear. Gently. Softly. Tenderly. "I want you to know that everything we have felt together has been real. My love for you, my actions, my words, have all been true. Real. But I'm afraid, that is not the case for you."

Suddenly, Felix's voice was cracking. The tears began to well up in his eyes as he gazed so lovingly at you. You couldn't breathe. "I don't understand," you quietly tell him. "I have always been true to you. I have always been honest with my love for you."

Nodding, he breathes out, "I know. And I will always remember you for that. But I have realized now the truth that I have been missing. It is not I who is from another world, but you. You are not real. You are a figment of my own imagination, and will be gone when I go back."

You were startled from his confession. The tears pour down his cheeks like a river stream. His grip on your wrist tightens as you move to take a step back. Your mouth was dry when you attempted to speak again. You couldn't bring yourself to say anything.

"I am so sorry," he cried out.

You wanted to reassured him. You wanted to wipe away those fretful tears and try to convince him to stay with you regardless. To never go back again, now that he was still here. But his words rang in your mind.

It didn't make sense.

"Felix," you try to call his name after a moment. "Please, I don't understand what you are trying to say to me. Are you leaving me? Why must you cry so terribly? Your tears are breaking my heart."

"How I wish you were real," he whispers. He didn't look at you, head hung low and eyes to the ground. "I should have known this was my fault."

When Felix opened his eyes again, you were gone. His eyes met the inner walls of his apartment instead, and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. The feeling of your body against his was still vividly there, and he wrapped his own arms around his chest, almost as if to savor it. The tears were still falling, the only real part that followed him back from the dream.

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