Think of me| Leo (Vixx)

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This piece was written for a challenge. It was made as a spinoff of Phantom of the Opera. Please enjoy.

Phantom of the Opera

A person, so delicate and beautiful, like a flower in bloom, had entered the Paris Opera with a mind clear of what the others had. She was young and innocent, unknowingly stepping into the devil's cage with a heart of gold and a voice of an angel.

She was new, he had thought. He never liked new people in his house, let alone on his stage. She, however, was yet of an extraordinary girl with a voice he had never heard before. He listened with eyes closed, behind the paintings on the fourth floor, as her voice filled into the room like silk.

She was stunning.

"Ae-young, that was marvelous!" The girl from the dancing group was the first to comment on it, rushing to her in excitement.

At this, he fell back away from the eyes and closed the door, forcing the large painting to hide him away again as he rushed away from the area.

Ae-young smiled prettily at her friend, her heart drumming against her chest as she attempted to regain her confidence. Those in the room had started to clap lightly amongst themselves, leaving small comments about her singing.

"I do believe you have talent, young lady," the head of the dancers had said, coming up to Ae-young to take a small piece of her hair and delicately push it off her shoulders. "We may have to fix you up for any future shows, however."

Ae-young was being pushed along to behind the curtains where the set had stopped, any decorations to the public eye were no longer placed behind the large red sheet that hung. Before she disappeared completely, she glanced up to the fourth floor balcony where she had thought she saw him.

After all, he was what she was there for.

She knew of him. Rarely did anyone who did know of his existence, speak of it. If they did, there was little to talk about. He was like a Phantom, coming and going along the secret side of the Opera and controlling everything that ran there. She practiced, days and nights to perfect her voice enough to be accepted into his Opera.

She had only hoped that now he has seen her, he will let her by his side.

She sought for him, for his voice she had heard long ago. The melody one could never replicate could be heard in her dreams as she slept, his voice whispering a soft tune into her ears that eventually became soothing. An addiction she only just recently admitted to having. She was desperate to hear it again, to sing along side that voice and have it relishing into her memory for as long as she could.

"Ae-young," the girl calls out, catching her attention before placing her into a room to change. "My name is Alea. My mother is the head of the dancers here."

Ae-young sits onto the chair the girl has ushered her onto, watching as makeup brushes were pulled out of a soft red fabric. "Pleasure to meet you, Alea."

Alea's lips rise up slightly. "The pleasure is all mine, of course. We really have been needing more singers here. The lead Opera woman has caused quite enough trouble with him."

Ae-young paused Alea's actions by sitting up and leaning closer. "Him?" She repeats with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you speaking of the Phantom?"

The girl quickly placed her hand over Ae-young's mouth, hushing her while looking around the room. "How do you know of him?" She questions sternly, maneuvering her eyes to the door and back.

"I'm here for him!" Ae-young whispers excitedly after removing the hands from her lips. "I am here to seek him, to listen to him, to hear his voice once again."

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