Break Time|Yunho(Ateez)

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I heard his voice before I even saw him, causing my body to instinctively cringe into a form of protection. A moment later and I was forced into a rushing hug, one that is typically made by a tall child running at me. I coughed loudly, attempting to quickly regain my breath as it was knocked out of me.

"Oof!" I yelled back, turning my head slightly to see Yunho laying his head on my back. "Why do you do that everytime?!"

He tightens his grip on me, nuzzling closer. "I'm being careful, I promise."

"Boy you're gonna break me is what it is." I remove his arms so that I can face him. "You know they would all beat you if they found out you were the reason their food was smashed." I raised the white plastic bags I carried.

Yunho grins brightly at me, taking the bags and rushing towards the dance studio where the others were. I followed behind, slow and cautious of the many eyes watching me. Once I felt fine, I entered the studio and closed the door behind me.

It had only been a mere second and the large group of boys were piling into the food. At the sound of the door, they glanced up at me. "Oh hi Nuri!" Jongho waves frantically as he cracked open the food container. "Is this from you?"

I nod, walking towards Yunho and sitting down between his legs. I grabbed a container of food. "There is plenty. Drinks are with the brown paper bag. There's cups." I reach behind me to hand Yunho the food.

My boyfriend wraps his arm around me briefly, pulling me close to kiss the top of my head before digging into his food. "Thanks babe!"

I watch, satisfied, as they all happily eat the food I brought. I shared a bit with Yunho or looked at my phone to give them privacy, but I wasn't too hungry had I already eaten prior.

"Where's Reum?" San questions before shoveling more food into his mouth. Both him and Yeosang stared at me expectantly.

"Hey, hey!" Yunho suddenly calls out before I can answer. "Don't be rude. Nuri is here to give you food!" As he says this, his hand snakes possessively around my waist again.

I rolled my eyes. "Reum is working. She prepared the drinks and such for you guys as an apology." I gestured to the drinks, catching everyone's attention. "I would have forgotten them anyway."

Hongjoong snorts, the noodles in his mouth shooting out. San backed away from beside him, laughing hysterically in the process. "Bro!" He shouts, staring at Hongjoong as he covers his mouth from laughter.

I giggle, watching as the boys all start laughing at one another. Yunho laughs loudly from behind me, setting the food container on the floor as he falls backward.

I shake my head. "You all are nut jobs."

San grins cheekily. "Proud, yes we are!" He takes a minute for everyone to settle before looking back to me. "I didn't mean to be rude, by the way. I'm just worried since she's sick."

I shrug it off. "It's all good. You're her boyfriend and she's my best friend. If you can't get to her, I'm the next best thing. It's understandable."

He smiles at me, thankful, then continued to eat and play around with the others.

Yunho hugs me closer, his head sitting atop of mine as he leans me back to relax. "Thank you, baby. It was good." He whispers, fingers twirling my hair in it's ponytail.

I watched as the other began to lay out, relishing in their break time. "You're welcome. How are you feeling?" I ask, slightly turning my head to the side as if to look at his face. Though, I didn't need to because of the mirror in front of me.

"I'm alright. A bit exhausted but I'll be fine."

"Are you drinking water?"

He nods.

I furrow my eyebrows, assessing the room for water bottles and coming up empty. "Hey! Have you all been drinking water?" I questioned, the authority in my voice just slipping out.


I rolled my eyes again, standing to my feet and gazing down at my boyfriend. "Up. We are going to get water bottles from the vending machine in the lobby." I then turn to the others. "Everyone cough up some money for lying to me earlier today when I asked."

There was many groans of annoyance, but all complied, throwing coins and such into a pile for me to gather. I smile before taking it and heading towards the lobby with Yunho. I start to put the coins into the vending machine as he leans against it.

"So how are you feeling?" He asks, searching my expression carefully. "I know you have been sick as well. I swear you and Reum are two peas in a pod. If one gets sick, the other does too."

I laugh, reaching down to get the bottle. "I'm fine. If I wasn't I wouldn't be here with all of you." I hand him the first bottle and keep adding more coins.

"Thank you for doing this."

I cock my head to the side a bit, a brief smile flashing my face. "For what?"

"For coming to see me. I was worried while you were sick. I would come check on you several times and you were coughing a lot. I was afraid I would have to take you to the hospital."

I frown a bit, turning towards my giant boyfriend and gazing into his puppy eyes. "Baby I'm fine. I get like this several times a year. I'm sorry I made you worry so much." As an apology, I leaned up on my toes to place a kiss on his lips.

He softly smiles. "I just want to make sure you are okay."

I hand him the last bottle, beginning to walk back to the studio. "And I am. I promise."

Yunho begins to struggle with the nine bottles, spreading his legs widely as he walks with his arms high up. "A little help?" He questions, panicked eyes looking my way as the distance between us becomes greater.

I shook my head. "Nope! You lied about your health. Now you suffer like the rest!"


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