Marriage | Bang Chan (skz)

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A promise is a promise. Until the end of this life and more, I will always be with you. I love you.

You smiled softly at the picture of your wedding day, the soft words whispered to you from your husband were running through your mind. It made you snuggle closer to the little one in your arms.

"Guess who's coming home tonight?" You say to the sleeping child, rocking them slowly. Those words even made your heart flutter, the happiness of seeing your husband again strong. Though it hadn't been as long as other days, you felt like you needed to be near him once more.

Today was the anniversary of your marriage. It wasn't more than a year ago had you finally tied the knot, but the strength in your love made it seem like it had been a lot longer. There was a lot that tore at you both during that year, but it eventually came together in the end. As long as you both worked at it, the world bent to your ways.

A precious baby was not on our list, truthfully. With the stress of your husband's job, including your own, you weren't thinking of having a kid so soon. But the unplanned things seemed to be thrown at you two often; another task you two tackled together. You came around to the idea of having a baby, even more so when you decorated the house together.

As you cuddled the baby closer to you, sitting tiredly on the couch, you closed your eyes and remembered the days you spent preparing the baby's room. They were often weekends when you both had off. If not it was late night week days, takeout sitting on the floor  that didn't have carpet for awhile, you both held food in one hand with a paint roller in the other.

There was more paint on your body than the wall. Your husband often would go over your spots with the pastel paint because of everything you missed. Eventually you just painted the trim as he rolled, singing along to songs you played on the speaker. It was a cute and romantic time for the newlyweds you were.

Eventually, the room had come together. Monsters Inc characters were around the room, in forms of stickers and even the bed spread for the crib. You both were entirely proud of the outcome and shared pictures with everyone who asked. A great gender neutral room for your baby, one at the time you hadn't known was to be your baby girl.

You opened your eyes at the brief sound of your daughter Sophia turning about. You smiled down at her, moving the soft tendrils of hair that stuck to her skin. After contemplating, you decided to place her in her room to finish her nap. She wouldn't be up for awhile and you planned to finish cleaning.

You placed a sweet kiss on her small hands before leaving. Just as you were to head to the kitchen to clean, the lock to the front door turned. Instead of being rational, you stayed in place and stared at the door.

Chan walks through the door, pulling his black hood off his head. He looks up, noticing you staring at him and half smiles awkwardly. He closes the door and stares back.


"I was supposed to surprise you..." He drifts off, grimacing slightly.

You started to laugh at him, walking over to your husband and placing your arms around his neck. "Surprise? When I knew you were coming?"

Chan chuckles as well and leans down for a kiss. "I was informed by a little birdie that you were out shopping with your best friend all day. I was planning on coming home and cleaning myself up."

You snuggled closer to him, feeling content to be in his arms. "Mhhh well Sophia was a bit cranky today. Hasn't seen her dad in awhile, might be the problem."

Chan smirks down at you, noticing how you ignored his mention of 'surprising' you. You weren't a huge fan of surprises and would not have them as much as possible. He knew this all too well.

"I intended for a dinner date with my lovely wife." He leans down again, his lips tenderly capturing yours and giving you his heart. "If you get ready first, I'll let you have as much time as you want."

You needed that deal. Baby throw up, countless diapers, half cleaning day, and the humidity of the outdoors turned you into something else.

"Deal. Date night it is."

You release him, quickly turning for your shared room. A smack to your behind had you squealing and turning around. "Bang Chan I swear to God-"

His finger was placed over his smirk. "Shh, darling. Sophia is sleeping. Better go before you lose your chance to get ready."

You raced for your room. You soaked in the chance of feeling refreshed after a long day. Despite being tired, not once were you upset over it. Just another long day, one that was still full of joy and great memories with your daughter. Even your best friend managed to see you come from your den, a place you were hiding since Sophia was born. It felt nice.

Yet, you weren't going to give up this chance. It was going to be a continuing sweet day as you were both able to sneak a chance for a date. Of course, your darling girl was tagging along too.

When you came out of the room, you were half surprised to see Chan cuddling Sophia in his arms as she wiggled aimlessly. She didn't seem uncomfortable, but definitely wanted to move and wiggle. So she did. The whole while he stared at her like she was an angel from heaven, blessed by the Lord himself and given to us humble humans.

"Look at you cuties," you say, flattening your hands behind you as you leaned down to his height on the couch. "I'll take her and you can get ready, babe."

Chan gives you a hesitant look. "Five more minutes? I want to hold you both before I leave."

You blinked. "Leave for the shower?"

He nods. "It's very far away."

You sigh but agree anyway, loving how cuddling and nice he felt. His free arm wrapped around you as you both looked at your daughter. Though her eyes were closed, you saw a beautiful girl that looked identical to her father. It warmed your heart and you snuggled further into his arms.

"I love you," he whispers. "I will always be with you guys."


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