Fallen Angel|Jisung(Stray Kids)

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Ever so slowly, my consciousness was starting to come back. I felt a small tickle across my cheek and threatening the end of my nose, causing me to stir awake. Yawning, I stretch to move from the weird feeling, unsure what was happening. As I do so, it almost felt like the tickling sensation followed with my movements.

Now startled, I pop open my eyes to figure out my situation. But all I could see was pitch blackness, far too dark for the time I was guessing it is. Carefully, I positioned my hands above my eyes to remove whatever was blocking my vision.

"You're kidding," I murmur bitterly the moment my hand felt the object. Blowing out my pent up breath, I attempted to move the black feathers covering my face. But it was a failure on my part, the heavy feathers only lightly drifting up for a split second.

Grumbling, I use all my strength I mustered in the twenty seconds since I've woken up. My useless attempt did nothing, leaving me stuck under a bundle of features once again. "Han Jisung!"

The feathers recoiled immediately. I sat up on the bed, staring down at the wings that had once been sprawled across my face, now enclosed around my boyfriend as he hid. It was like his defense cocoon, often used when he was in trouble.

"Why are your wings out again!" I questioned, reaching to grab the blanket wrapped around his legs. Something else he had stolen from me throughout the night, besides personal space. With a short yank I managed to bring to covers back over to me.

The large black wings twitched. "You looked so cute when you slept, I couldn't help but tease you."

I scowled. What a terrible excuse he gave. "If you do that one more time, I swear to the heavens I will return you."

A fallen angel for a boyfriend was not exactly the ideal relationship as it appeared in the books. Constantly in your space, your thoughts as he often would enter because of his nosy nature, his plump cheeks storing all the food you have. He acted like a squirrel when he ate; keeping all his food in his cheeks to 'not' save for later. What kind of ideal boyfriend was this?

Although not ideal, he was definitely a keeper. Unless he stole the bed space and covers one more time. Then he goes right back to where he is from.

I felt a shuffling the moment I laid down again. Immediately a face hovered over mine, a cheesy smile gazing down at me as the wings were no longer present. "Good morning my love."

He earned an eye roll. "It's not morning until I agree to waking up," I retort, curling my body under the blanket to submerge myself into fatigue. "Which means you go can back to your side and stay silent."

He beamed, though, the grin widening. "Aren't you so pleasant in the mornings. But of course, there is a reason I teased you until you woke up."

Furrowing my brows, I stared at him. The anticipation I gained from just those mere words made my heartbeat increase within seconds. "And that would be?"

Jisung leans down in his pushup form, a gentle kiss being placed on my nose. "I've got to go out for awhile. I wanted to see you before I left." Bringing himself back up, he rolls off of me and stands on the fluffy white carpet.

My heart dropped. Sitting up, I rub my eyes and watch him as he gets dressed. "So to say goodbye you annoy me? I feel loved." Sighing, I stand up as well but stayed on the bed, too lazy to move as much as him. "Come here," I command.

And so he does. Jisung moves towards the end of the bed where I stood, hands out to wrap around my waist and rest his head on my stomach. "I'm sorry, love. But if danger calls, I must seek to it I take care of it."

Another eye roll. "You aren't Batman or something. You are a fallen angel repaying his debt. If chose to, you wouldn't go out all the time to catch these dumb demons. You'd watch TV and bug me all day."

He winks. "Correct."

Jisung pulls back, walking towards his dresser to throw on black jeans and a dark grey shirt. The relaxed version of him was always my favorite, but it always seemed to leave anytime he came back from dealing with demons all day. His personality drops a bit, becoming more bitter and distant. Yet, I could never blame him.

I plopped back down onto the bed, crossing my legs as I did so. "Don't wear that one. I don't want your wings ripping it, that's my favorite shirt."

He looked good in it.

He grins at me, ignoring my words no doubt. "I will miss you. I'm not sure how long this journey will take," he says honestly, but the tone in his voice was light and playful, as expected of him. "Will my angel wait for me?"

I frowned. "Where else would I go? You could find me in every corner of the world." I raised my arms up as he came close, wrapping them around his neck. "At any rate, you'll probably come back fast if you want to have me before my family comes down the visit. They won't like you being here if they knew."

Jisung doesn't seem effected. "I'm a pleasant man, promise." Another kiss to the nose and he vanishes, a norm I was suppose to be use to by this point.

Heaving a sigh, I lay back on the bed and a stare at my ceiling, hoping he came back in one piece. My mind wanted to wander to the times he had come back with wounds any human would have died brutally from. But I shook my head, wanting to delete the memory as fast as possible and just sleep, wanting the time to past while I wasn't conscious enough to miss him.

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