The Vampire's Wish| Yuto(Pentagon)

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"Contacts! My contacts!" I squinted at the floor of the cafe porch as I rushed to look for the little clear round pieces on the floor. Even knowing my eyes would never catch sight of it, I still bent down on the wooden porch and moved my head to every direction.

The rain was pouring down onto the straw cover above me that sheltered the wooden porch just barely. A few droplets splattered onto to me as I looked past my knees, too afraid to crawl on the dirty floor to actually look for them. I wasn't completely blind without the flimsy things, but I can barely cross a street without feeling like I was going to cause trouble.

Sighing I realized it might not have been smart for me to take out my contacts for a split second, but the guy had knocked his cup over the grill before him, causing smoke to rise up and temporarily blind me. I had no choice to clear them myself. But taking out both was just ridiculous of me.

After patting the porch for the last time with no luck, I stretched out my umbrella and took shaky steps off the porch. I knew that those cheap things my friend found on the market wouldn't last. It was surprising that he managed to get someone to replicate my needed prescription.

Leaving behind the pair, I started to add up in my head how much it was going to cost to get me an actual and probably more legal pair of contacts. The rain pattered on my blue umbrella as I carefully walked on the sidewalk, being extra cautious of distant blurry figured and praying they weren't humans.

The night had caused an eery silence among the town, exempting the long and lazy water droplets falling. Although I was up to the change, I felt more vulnerable without my contacts like I was prey to whatever was out there. My pace quickened as time passed, somehow not getting me to my house and faster. At least that's how it felt.

Just as I go to turn down my street, a large and very blurry shadow appeared in my sights and caused me to jump back in surprise. My lungs let out a deep, low voiced wail like I suddenly turned into a man and surprising myself. My hand flew to my heart to stop the incessive beating as I stared at.....whatever it was I was looking at.

"Did you just growl at me?"

I frowned, realizing that must have been what I did to him. My legs moved me another step back to create a distance. "Um well..."

The figure moves forward, the street light in the distance making a tiny glare our way. Enough for me to see a recognizable, sorta, face. His sharp features were hard to miss as he raises his dark eyebrows at me. "You did, didn't you?"

I smiled at him, throwing my whole weight over him, scrunching his black tee into my palms. "Yuto! When did you get back here?"

His hands swiped up my back every so slowly, as if unsure if he should hug me back. When we pulled apart his eyes had narrowed on me with uncertainty. "Why are you out here alone growling at other people? Without your glasses either, I see." He reaches out to poke the brim of my nose where the black rimmed glasses should have been.

My nose scrunched at the touch. "I'm not growling at people!" I huff, shoving at his chest a little in hopes it pushed him off his balance, but to no avail. "You scared me so I screamed."

He glares at me, pushing my hand off his chest. "Babe, I've been scaring people for three hundred years. That was one of the manliest scream I have ever heard, and coming from a girl at that." Taking his chance, Yuto takes my hand in his and flips it over to see my vein. "Having you been staying hydrated?"

I sighed. The only reason he would ever ask me such a strange question was when he was hungry. And if I wasn't well hydrated, I'd faint from the loss of blood. It wasn't like he cared if I drank enough today, more likely wanting to know if he could have a small snack now that he was home again.

I yank my hand away from him. "No, I haven't, " I grumble while trying to remember when the last time I drank anything was. "Is my vampire hungry?" the tease just floats out of my mouth as I reach up to pinch his cheeks.

All the sudden, his cold and aloof cover had faded again. As always, he could never stay distant and stern with me. Immediately he melts at my gushing, eyes glowing with love. Yuto's knees bend a little so that he was closer to my height to allow me to coddle him. And the reasoning?

I was this vampires mate. His only wish in life.

I smiled at my succession. "Let's go home babe. I'm tired and have had a long day. I wish to cuddle my cold statue of love," I say while grinning. I noticed the adoration in his eyes as I did so and held back a snicker, knowing I had him wrapped around my finger completely.

Yuto dips down, an arm wrapping around my legs and behind my back. He lifts me between his arms, quickly heading home so that he could have me by his side through the night. "I hope that's a promise because I've missed you."

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