Secret Way|Hyunjin(Stray Kids)

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Tap, tap, tap!

It was a consistent noise, something that of a burden to me. I rolled over in my bed, trying my best to become more comfortable while the incessant noise filled my head. But it was seemingly useless, the small tapping too prominent to ignore.

"What is that?" I mumble angrily to myself, throwing off my sheets to sit up. My hand reaches up to rub my tired eyes, allowing me to clear my sights and adjust to the dark. I listened carefully for the tapping to start again, but it remained silent.

Maybe I'm just weirding myself out.

Sighing, I plopped back down on bed, curling myself back into the sheets for warmth. I tightly closed my eyes, begging for sleep to come, but all I could hear was that annoying tapping again. Frustrated, I threw myself off the bed and darted for the light across the room.

I slapped a hand over the light switch, wanting to figure out what that ratchet sound was. But even after waiting a few seconds for it flick on, the light never flooded my room. A little concerned and worried, my skin grew hot as I hit the switch again. But nothing happened.

I'm inside a horror movie.

Trying to calm myself down, knowing I was probably half asleep and dreaming up all sorts of stuff. My hand pushes back the knotted jumble of hair curling around my face. I take a deep breath before walking towards my bed, ready to sleep all this off.

Tap, tap, tap!

I whirled around, staring at the first thing I encountered. My new mirror stood up against the wall, not yet hung up as I hadn't found the time. It's usual clear reflection was suddenly darker and foggy, causing my head to swirl with it.

"What the-?" I put a hand to my head to stop the oncoming migraine as I tried to focus on it. I must have been dreaming, I was clearly seeing things. Even so, this dream felt quite real.

My legs started to move on their own, taking me closer to the mirror. I wanted to stop myself, worried where this strange dream would take me. But I couldn't, the distance between myself and the mirror was closing in fast. Before I knew it, I stood right in front of the mirror.

At first, I didn't want to move any further. The least I could do is not touch something so strange and suspicious. But, I didn't have the chance to even think for myself. A sudden hand had reached out, grabbing my own before I could think straight. And in a split second, I was pulled through the mirror.


"Breathe! Yang Mi breathe!"

My eyes shot open at the sound of someone's voice. I gasped for breath, sitting right up immediately to check my surroundings. Air rushed to fill my lungs, making me wheeze slightly as my body worked hard to keep me alive.

A hand landed on my shoulder, catching my attention. A man was crouched down, smiling brightly at me as he patted me in comfort. "You okay, Yang Mi? You were out cold for awhile."

Yang Mi...?

I looked around me, checking to see if he was speaking to me. But his eyes were glued to me, not once wavering. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and moved my body away from the stranger. "Umm..."

He raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Do you not recognize me?" He jokes with a short chuckle. "It's Hyunjin, my love. You must have hit your head hard." Immediately he reaches out and ruffles my hair.

I looked at the bright red hair that drifted in my sight. The surprise at the different shade of color of my hair had me shooting backwards, eyeing it widely. "What even?"

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