Stolen Cats| Lee Know (skz)

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Minho was exhausted by the time he arrived at your shared apartment for the night. It was later than he was used to, and he had fully expected you to be well asleep by now. After placing his things down in their rightful places, however, he soon found out that you were not asleep. Instead, you were wide awake with the living room lights all on as you watched TV.

He came around the corner, eying you suspiciously. It wasn't like you to stay up so late and it really did look like you were waiting for him. He was surprised to see you looking actively awake and happy, small sounds of laughter filling the room. That's when he was able to notice what made you so giddy.

On the television was a compilation of Lee Know moments. The version of himself that he broadcasted and had hoped he left at work. He immediately glared at you as he came into your view, shooting daggers of annoyance.

"Hello my love!" You giggle out, pausing the YouTube video.

"Why are you ruining my TV?" He comes closer to snatch the remote, turning it off completely.

You smiled nonetheless. "Because I missed you. And you're entertaining." He scoffed at your words, but you persisted. "No, really! I saw the interview for iHeartRadio. You named your cats before your parents."

He shrugged. "The truth hurts sometimes."

Speaking of...

His cats always came to greet him, regardless of the time. Minho started to look around the apartment with his eyes, moving his head slightly. When he couldn't find them, he shifted his body weight and attempted to leave the room.

"Are you looking for these?" You asked smugly.

He shot his attention back to you. And that's when he realized. The cats whom he loved so dearly were completely wrapped around you. Soonie should have been the easiest to notice, as the orange fur was a stark contrast to your black hoodie. But the cat was curled around your neck peacefully, snuggled into the hood of your sweatshirt. Doongie and Dori were a bit less noticeable, though. One being underneath your arm as you gently pet them. The other behind your head, resting on the couch.

Minho was shocked to say the least. "You stole my cats."

You smirked at your boyfriend, continuing to mindlessly play with Doongie's hair. "Too bad they are so comfortable lying here with me. Otherwise they would have greeted you."

Minho would never admit it out loud, but he loved the way the cats adored you. It just was icing on the cake for your relationship together. He loved when he'd come home late and they would take turns greeting him before shuffling back to your shared bed. It was like they couldn't leave you unguarded for too long, so they passed on the duty to one another until all three had said their hellos.

"Give me back my cats you evil lady."

You smile tightly, attempting not to be too loud or move too much. You were praying the cats didn't wake enough to hear his voice above yours. "Never," you say slowly.

His footsteps were light and quick. Next thing you know, his hands were on your cheeks, pulling you up slightly to smack a kiss right on your lips. This movement startled the cats, and they all groaned loudly as they stretched.

Minho stood up straight again, watching as the cats all made their way to him. They reached up, using you as a step stool, standing on the tips of their toes to lean on Minho for support. He smirked at you, petting them.

"You are a sick, sick man," you grumbled with the shake of your head. You watched as he leant down, placing a kiss on each of their heads before walking to your bedroom. The cats all followed behind him, and when the last one was in, he closed the door promptly.

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