Redo |Jaeyoon (SF9)

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She woke, eyes fluttering slowly open to adjust to the bright lighting. Her head pounded with the oncoming migraine that usually formed when this happened to her. She refrained a grimace and instead attempted to read her situation, knowing fully well what was to come was not what she remembered leaving.

Her hands were warm, she noticed. And we she finally could see again, she saw other hands holding hers. She sucked in a breath, fear burning in her stomach as she noticed the familiar white and black colors surrounding her.

Her eyes climbed the person holding her. Stood before her was a man dressed presentably in a black suit, his hair slicked back and a nervous smile plastered on his face. In the corner of her eye she saw the veil hanging from the top of her head.

A wedding.

She sighed heavily, glancing off to her right to see a casual church gathering, people on one side and some on another. She only could assume the side closest to her was the bride's family, the woman smiling proudly at her must have been her mother.

She closed her eyes again.

"I do," the man says to her proudly. His eyes had filled hers with such emotion it made her feel sick.

The priest was to her left. Giving off the same speech she heard from movies or the few weddings she attended as a guest. This was the first time she was hearing it for herself, and it was the first time this curse brought her here.

"I do," she mumbled back, not being able to meet the man's eyes. Her heart called out for the innocent man who had no idea what happened to his future wife, suddenly unable to identify him or anyone else.

It was a curse. A horrible, awful curse that plagued her life with interactions she wishes she never had. Whenever she had become use to her situation, suddenly she would wake in a different scenario. As far as she could remember, she was chasing after a thief at a job that blamed her for the lack of customers. She had just gotten used to the low life of someone who barely made pay but had a lovely baby to come home to.

She had just become attached to the baby she was believed to actually be hers. However, she was woken again. This time as a bride at her wedding day. And such a special moment made her nauseous, as she did not know why her heart was beating so rapidly for this stranger.

She felt sick. Of course this wicked curse would make her play make believe with someone else, and suffer through another life of someone else. No memories from before and no recollection of how she got there. It was as if she was them all along, yet the memories with them were gone as well.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Her stomach churned. She gave a quick look to the groom, finding it hard to bring herself to make such a commitment. But she had no choice. She never knew when the curse would leave her stranded or how long she would be in this life. If she left this man now, she would live in life of constant heartbreak and emotions she didnt know she possessed. After learning the hard way, it was best to just play along.

His head dipped down. As he got closer, she realized how charming this man was. A sharp jaw and full cheeks, dimples when he smiled even the slightest, plump red lips he had between his teeth. She wanted to believe that her emotions were hers, but it always felt foreign to listen to her heart when it came to these situations.

She didn't want to become attached again.

"Whatever you go through, I will always be here for you. Through magic or through will I would be by your side," he whispers. "I love you." His lips softly brushed against hers, so much passion a love coming from both sides she didn't know how to take it.

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