If only you knew|Key(SHINee)

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Drama: Splash Splash Love
Summary: Danbi is a high school student, and instead of taking the math test one day, she enters a portal to the Joseon era by a puddle. There, she is mistaken for a god who will bless the town and emperor with rain. Danbi does everything she can to make it rain, and along the way she becomes close with the emperor.

If only you knew

"You really do bring down the atmosphere," Mia stated, dropping her bag beside my desk as she sat in the seat in front my own. She tapped onto the wooden table to catch my attention.

I lifted my head from my arms, squinting to see her hand, before looking up at her. My tangled hair fell over my eyes and I sucked in a sharp breath, creating the illusion that I was a sad mess. "I'm just tired is all," I reasoned. Although, it wasn't the first time I had this conversation with her.

She sighed out of disappointed. "Why can't you forget that dream of yours? Your 'prince charming' isn't real!" The worry was clear within her voice as she spoke to me, but I refused to listen to her words she insisted.

He was real, I was sure of it. A dream such as that had never happened before. I didn't make up a person as well thought out as he was. It was not my imagination, but a memory that was fading away.

I ignored her this time, but I knew she would repeat herself the next day. It was a never ending cycle with us. "Did you do your homework?" I questioned, stretching out and reaching for her school bag.

She snatched it. "Yes, I did! And you won't be copying off me, again. Not until you get over him."

I made a face, but didn't argue. With a shrug, I laid my head back onto my arms to forget my surroundings and hope to sleep peacefully. "Well then I guess I will fail," I mumbled. I got myself comfortable before I could slowly start to feel my consciousness slip away from me.

Mia abruptly shook my arm. "Don't sleep! The teacher is coming in soon, so at least act like you care." She quickly shuffled things around until a piece of paper was shoved into my arms. "Here! Take it!"

I sat up immediately, happy she was willing to cooperate. I grabbed the paper from her hands and dug out a similar sheet, ready to copy from one to another. Just as I leaned down to begin writing, our teacher hurriedly walked into the classroom, his eyes scrunched shut and hair soaked completely.

"It is raining hard!" He laughed. He grabbed a towel from under his desk and attempted to dry himself. "It hasn't rained in so long!"


I turned my head towards the windows across the classroom. As soon as I saw the rain, I stood up, my chair scraping against the floor as it was pushed back. I caught a glimpse of my friend's curious eyes before I grabbed my bag, heading out of the room.


If there is rain, he will be there. He will be waiting for me, on the other side, I know it. He would be there, upon his throne, sitting impatiently with a sour expression as he waited for my return. He will be there, and soon will I.

I was running with no stop. My legs were growing tired instantly, but I couldn't focus on the pain, I only wanted to run. I was running with one thought in mind, and that was to see him again. My thoughts were only of him; how happy I was to finally see the rain.

I was so excited. A smile was forming on my mouth as I thought of what was to come. I couldn't contain my happiness, for it was drowned out by sorrow for so long. Everything was happening so quickly, I didn't register anything besides my destination. I ran to the park. The park where everything began, and where he awaited.

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