Warm Snuggles | Felix (skz)

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"It's so cold!" You gasped loudly, stiffening your arms inside your jacket. Your fingertips gripped the cuffs tightly as you attempted to pull the sleeves all the way down.

Felix wiggled beside you, shaking off the shiver that ran down his spine. "It's colder than I expected Florida to be."

The two of you wore coats that were on the thinner side, fully expecting the sunshine state of North America to be warm, even during winter. And while that was the case most days, you happened to arrive during a cold front. Now you both stood in line, outside in the cold weather, at Disney World.

You fully expected there to be lightning lanes available to buy early in the morning, allowing you to skip the long wait and head straight in. However, you failed to wake up early enough to get the lanes that didn't interfere with your bookings for other rides at the Animal Kingdom park. Felix hadn't complained, even went as far as to mention the wait giving time for your stomachs to settle your food from before. You felt bad that your lack of a good schedule made him suffer as well.

The vacation was granted from his company after a long World Tour. They figured after working so diligently, giving the members their own time to hang around would be do-able. Although, they still had to be low-key when it came to public appearance. This meant Felix had to wear a face mask and beanie to cover his defined features.

You booked a few days at Disney World after Felix proposed the idea of vacationing together. He helped plan most of it out in regards to food and hotels, allowing you to expertly plan the day. Unfortunately, this meant you had full control over your park schedule. Which is why you both were standing for a very long time in the freezing cold.

Felix grasps at your hand, tugging you close as the line moves forward some more. "Stay close," he mumbles through the mask.

You clench his hand tightly, wiggling your legs back and forth to create enough friction to warm them up. "I don't think I can feel my toes!"

He giggles, his arm reaching up to wrap around the back of your neck. He pulls you in, leaning his head down to nuzzle your foreheads together. "You're so cute. I think that's just you being dramatic."

You eyed his nose scrunch as he smiled sweetly at you, even from behind his mask. "Are you saying you have feeling in your feet?"

Felix shook his head. "Nope. But it's fun to tease you." He took a moment, glancing at the line behind you to see a group of people chattering to themselves. Satisfied by everyone being distracted, he pulls back from you and unzips his jacket.

"What are you-?"

Felix reached out, tugging you back into his chest. This time, the fabric of his shirt is what met your cheek as he tucked you into him. He gripped the sides on the coat, pulling them tightly around your back to secure you in place for warm snuggles.

"There," he mumbles sweetly. He rests his head atop of yours, arms pulling you even closer. "Now you can warm up!"

You sigh happily, surprised at the sudden affectionate side of your boyfriend. The warmth of his chest soaked into your pink cheeks as you felt the embarrassment creep up. Although shy from the action, you couldn't find it in yourself to remove from his embrace. After all, he was only doing it in consideration of you. To seal it off, he reached the tip of his fingers up to pull down his mask enough to place a sweet kiss to the top of your hair.

"You're as warm as you sun." You snuggle closer, arms wrapped around his waist as you breathe in his comforting scent. It took everything in you to not place a matching kiss to his chest, knowing he would be too surprised to act right.

Felix combed down the loose tendrils of your hair with his hands, his forearms squeezing the jacket to your sides. A couple more seconds passed before the line moved again, and he had to pry himself from the short cuddle session. His eyes swept the people around you to ensure no one saw.

You push lightly at his chest as you laugh. "You can't be embarrassed about the public affection that you started!"

He rolled his eyes, grabbing your hand from his chest to hold tightly by his side. "I was only thinking of your needs."

You knew that. When it came to sacrificing, Felix often did it without another thought. Even though he was highly shy in front of so many people, he didn't hesitate to put your comfort above your own. In such times, you couldn't really fight his actions. You were grateful for his warmth, and denying him was too hard to do. Although you would prefer he considered his own feelings as well, you couldn't change his instinct to please you, whatever it took.

Felix had a habit of making others around him happy. He wouldn't do it for the selfish reason of wanting himself to remain happy, but did so because he loved seeing the joy on their faces. You were no exception to this habit. When he could see the peace across your face the minute he tucked you into him, he knew it didn't matter if anyone saw. Whether it be strangers watching the two of you snuggle in line of a theme park, or fans catching you in public. If he could keep that smile on your face forever, he would do whatever it took.

The moment you stepped away from the hug, you entered the inside part of the line that was far warmer than the outside. This allowed for Felix to zip his jacket and stand beside you quietly. It wasn't long before he leant down enough so he could tilt his head to the side, resting it against yours. Your backs were against the wall as you both faced the blank wall across. His left hand snuck down to grasp yours again.

"My hand," he claims randomly, pulling it so he could shove your grasped hands into his pocket. "I keep this."

You laugh at his strange voice, shaking your head before leaning down to rest on his shoulder. "You are by far the strangest person I have ever met."

"Right back at cha."

He squeezed your hands lightly three times. You squeezed back.

I love you.

Love you too.

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