Chapter 52: The End Kids

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Playlist: Bad blood by Taylor Swift.
Look what you made me do by Taylor S

Today being a free day I woke up by 6:45 today and it felt refreshing. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and wore light blue sweats and a matching Bernie.

"Natalie wake up I'm done, let's go for food" I said shaking her lightly.

"5 more minutes" she groaned.

"Nope that would make us late"

"Fine" she said defeated, she was already ready so we just waited for nay and fay.

"Wait" she said holding me back as I was about to leave the door.


"Our gifts" she said and I gave her a knowing look and we rushed to favours locker.

"Uggh its locked, where is it... where is the key" nat said as she ransacked her bed while I searched her bag.

"What are you fools doing" fay said looking at us suspiciously with nay beside her.

"Could you please open your locker so we can get our presents" I said nicely.

"Step aside" she said and we obeyed. Squatting in front of her locker she brought out each box and we squealed.

"Now the moment we have all been watching for" nat said holding the top of her box and I did mine, as we all kneel round it.

"3...2...1..go" she said and we opened out boxes simultaneously.

"Oh my it's beautiful" I said in awe. In front of me was a navy blue and white football Jersey and it says My Queen with a crown in front and at the back it says girlfriend of number 18.

Natalie got a glittery gold and navy blue basketball jersey with #1 BAE in front and girlfriend of player 7.

"This is so cute" Natalie squealed.

"Look there's a note" Nay pointed out and we took the notes from our boxes.

"Hope you like the jerseys, thought it would be cute. Wear it for the match but don't reveal it till after our victory. From your eye candy Lee😎💓". I read

"Hope you like it babe, just as an assurance. don't worry you'll understand later. Your sexy boyfriend Ellie💏" nat read and we looked at it again squealing.

"Shut up! my ear drums, let's go for breakfast" fay said and we left.

"Its the day we meet the demons once again" henry said with no enthusiasm.

"Yeah, those rare moments when devils and angels are in the same room" favour added.

"Oh come on guys really" I said.

"No seriously they literally dress like devils in red and black and we dress like angels in blue and white" Caleb pointed out.

"They can't be that bad" Natalie said.

"Oh wait and see" nay said.

I was the first to finish and decided to go prepare early so that nothing could go wrong today.

"Bye guys smell y'all later" I said walking away. Ash and his buddies haven't come yet. I was considering dropping Liam's spoon with Nat but I decided against it, he will go spoon less since he decided to be late.

On my way outside I saw ash looking sexily sleepy in a plain white shirt that hugged his shoulders and arms well and gray sweats along side the rest of the big 4 coming in and I ran to go hug him.

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