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Harry sat in the tallest tree next to house twenty-four, concealed behind the branches of the great oak. His green gaze was fixed on the house opposite, through the window at the young couple inside, tangled in the sheets of the bed. Watching his friends embrace one another happily brought a smile to his face and it only widened when hearing the three little words fall from Zayn's mouth.

The curly haired vampire could remember a time when Zayn had found it difficult to love. His past haunted him still, and it was no lie that what happened with Perrie had been the cause of his cautiousness and hesitation when it came to Laura.

Back in the twenties was when Harry had seen Zayn at his worst. Killing Perrie had just been the beginning of his friend's madness, and watching one family after the other being killed had been the final straw. That was when Louis and Harry had promised to help him.

The fear both Louis and Harry had shared was the loving part - was Zayn able to love again? Would the past be too much to recover from?

Harry squinted to get a better look, watching as the couple kissed passionately and held each other close. He smiled wider, pleased to see that all the hard work had finally paid off after all those years.

The branch beside Harry dipped as another body came to rest beside him. Harry laughed quietly.

"Look who's alive," he said, eyes still fixed on Zayn and Laura. He didn't have to look to know who it was.

"Just," Louis mumbled, stretching beside Harry. The curly vampire turned to smile at his Maker, the tousled hair covered in straw, and blood stain on his shirt making him laugh again. "You'd think that after years of trying to kill me, he'd finally remember to move the stake a little more to the left."

"You sound like you want him to kill you," Harry stated, running his hands through his hair.

Louis shrugged, no longer caring. After his four hundred years of living, there was a part of him that longed for that sweet release of death. The other part of him was mischievous, selfish and desperate to cause hell everywhere he went.

"His aim is shit," Louis laughed, looking in the direction that Harry was. Zayn and Laura were happy, that much was clear - the smiles on their faces and laughter coming from their mouths was conclusive enough.

"Look how distracted they are," Harry laughed suddenly.

Louis nodded. "I know. Ridiculous isn't it? It's amusing how easily a vampire can get distracted. He can't even hear us." Harry laughed at Louis' words. It was true; the young couple were so busy engaging with each other, that both Harry and Louis went unnoticed in the tree directly opposite the window. Harry tilted his head to the side.

"At least the plan worked," he muttered, looking over at his friend "He's finally able to love again."

Louis nodded in agreement. He'd often seen Zayn during his killing sprees, in utter disbelief he had watched him kill families repeatedly. Not even Louis had gone to the extent of causing a massacre. There had been times in the past were a few unfortunate souls had lost their lives due to the deliciousness of their blood. But Louis had never killed brutally like Zayn had.

"Thank God," Louis chuckled. "We saved him before he could go even more insane."

"His killing games were fucking crazy," Harry said, frowning. He knew that it was too dangerous to let Zayn continue with the murder and lead to the discovery of vampires. It was bound to happen if he'd been allowed to continue the way he was. Now, things were different: people were merciless. The whole vampire race would have been eliminated immediately if the world were to find out about them.

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