Chapter 43

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When I opened my eyes, I had to squint against the bright light coming in through the open window. I was lying on my back and my hair had somehow managed to become loose of its ponytail during the night, lying in a mass of messy curls around my head. I flicked some strands out of my face before looking over to the bedside table where my phone was. It was just after nine.

I turned my head to the side to find Zayn's half of the bed was empty. I frowned. Where had he gone? That's when I heard the unmistakable sound of a pencil scratching against paper. I slowly sat up on my elbows and looked to the bottom of the bed. Zayn was sitting on top of his upright suitcase, a drawing pad sitting on his lap. He was drawing silently, his head bowed as his hand flew across the page. He looked up when I cleared my throat.

"I couldn't help but take the opportunity to draw you while you were sleeping," he said, showing me the drawing. "You looked so peaceful."

I smiled lazily at him and slowly sat up, wincing. Ow, I thought. I slowly sat upright as Zayn watched me sympathetically. He dropped his art utensils to the floor and rushed to my side, taking my hand in his.

"You're still sore," he said. It wasn't a question, it was more of a statement and I nodded as he pulled me carefully to his side, his arms wrapping around me securely.

"Is it bad?" he asked.

"Kind of," I groaned as I shifted around a little.

Zayn tucked a strand of hair out of my face. "I'm gonna try something."

I looked up at him curiously as he brought his wrist in front of us. He raised his arm until he could bite into his skin, holding it out in front of me.

"I'll be fine," I started to protest but I felt saw him shake his head.

"Try it. There's no guarantee it will work because it's just a pain, not a wound," he held his wrist closer to me and I let out a sigh in defeat before wrapping my smaller hands around his and bringing the wound closer to my mouth. I closed my lips over the puncture wounds and sucked gently, the strange taste of his blood hitting my taste buds. "Any better?"

I pulled my mouth away and shuffled to the edge of the bed before standing up slowly, holding the duvet securely against my body. The dull aching between my thighs wasn't as painful as it had been, and I nodded over to Zayn who smiled. I looked down at his wrist to see the wound seal itself, only a few drops of blood remaining on his skin. I shuffled back over to the bed and lay down, adjusting the duvet so it covered the both of us.

Zayn leaned down to touch his forehead against mine, his breath fanning over my face. I cringed ever so slightly. "Morning breath."

Zayn laughed and kissed my nose. "Get used to it." Then his lips found mine in a soft and gentle kiss. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "I got you something."

"Oh?" I muttered, still half sleepy. He nodded and reached over to the bedside table. Only then did I notice the small brown package. He opened it up for me and I peered inside at the croissants.

"Breakfast in bed," he announced. I thanked him, took one of the two croissants and began nibbling on it, Zayn doing the same. "Are you alright?" he asked after a few moments in silence.

I nodded once again. "Just exhausted," I admitted and Zayn squeezed my hand reassuringly. We ate in silence, my head leaning against his shoulder and my eyes shut. It was ridiculous how tired I was.

Zayn cleared his throat. "How did you find last night?"

Last night. Words couldn't begin to describe how last night had been. Painful, pleasurable, meaningful, scary, beautiful - didn't even begin to cover it. The simple knowledge that we'd had sex brought a small smile to my face. I'd never imagined losing my virginity at seventeen, more like my twenties.

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