Chapter 35 .

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Dedicated to @intoxicatedstylinson for the lovely comment!

Zayn was across the room in a flash, his hand covering Sophie's mouth to stifle her screams. She struggled in his grasp as he restrained her from running, his arms encircling her waist to pull her back towards him. I watched helplessly as he pinned her up against the nearest wall and look into her eyes. He started speaking to her, so quietly that I couldn't make out what he was saying. All while he spoke, Sophie's eyes were glued to his and I knew he was using Persuasion.

From down the hall, I could hear panicked voices and nearing foot steps. Zayn quickly licked his lips of stray drops of blood and was beside me again. He hurriedly bit his wrist and healed me before pulling my hair over where the wound had been to hide any missed spots.

Not a second later, and the living room was full of people, worry and curiosity on their faces. They looked round at Sophie who was still pressed up against the wall, as if an invisible force were holding her there.

"What is it?!" demanded Kate, looking from Sophie to Zayn and I. "What happened?"

"Spider," gasped Sophie, who laughed a second later, "I'm so stupid. I thought I saw a spider."

"Christ, you nearly gave me a heart attack," Liam said, a hand on his chest. "You OK?"

Sophie nodded and turned to look around the kitchen, "I think I was looking for something..."

"You've had enough sweet things today," Niall said before he tugged her towards him and down the hall. I watched quietly as my friends left, turning back every so often to bid Zayn and I a good night. After all their doors were shut, I turned to Zayn, still wearing a look of worry on his face.

"A spider?" I asked, "Really?"

He looked lost for words, "I - What else was I supposed to do?"

I shrugged, not entirely sure myself. I let out a sigh, just realizing that I'd been holding my breath. That had been too close. If any of my friends were to know of Zayn and Harry's true nature, it would put them in danger too. I was already mixed up in the feud that Louis and Zayn had going on, and I couldn't risk any of my friends being pulled into it as well.

"What exactly did you tell her?" I asked curiously.

Zayn smiled, "I told her to forget what she'd just seen and say that she got a fright after mistaking a shadow for a spider. That's all."

I nodded slowly and ran a hand through my hair. There were still butterflies in my stomach from when Sophie had walked into the room and seen Zayn's true self. What if she had screamed 'vampire' out and everyone had heard? What would have happened then?

Zayn broke me from my thoughts as he gently pulled my hair to the side to examine my neck. "Healed," he stated before leaning down to capture any extra drops on my skin. I remained still as his tongue caressed my throat , my eyes glued on the hall way behind him.

"You didn't hear her coming?" I questioned, looking up at him in confusion. He'd heard her earlier, so what had gone wrong this time?

"I didn't actually," he said sheepishly. "I tend to zone out when feeding, or when I'm being distracted."

"Ah," I said, nodding. It was the same with humans: if there was something that they were particularly interested in, or there was something that caught their eye, zoning out from reality was a typical side effect. "You'll have to work on that."

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