Chapter 46

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Harry and Louis had left about twenty minutes ago, leaving me alone on the second level of the barn. I didn't hesitate when my eyes began to water and the crying started. There was nothing I could do to stop the tears, and I allowed myself to sob uncontrollably despite the fact that Louis and Harry would be able to hear. I was terrified, and was secretly hoping Zayn would hear us before seeing us.

I was still coming to terms with Harry's impressive acting skills. I'd known him for quite a long while, and in that period of time, I'd expressed some of my deepest thoughts and feelings to him, for them to only be used against me. He was a manipulative git, just like Louis. But one thing was bugging me: was it truly Harry who was in control of his actions? Makers were able to Persuade their creations into doing things, almost like vampires could make a human do their bidding. There was the possibility that Louis was making Harry act the way he was.

The thought of Zayn coming to save me was the reason I was crying. He had no idea what he was running into, and I couldn't be sure that he'd herd me warn him while on the phone with Louis. What if he hadn't heard and was hurt trying to get to me? Thinking of him getting injured coaxed a loud sob to escape from my lips and I absentmindedly lifted my hand to the butterfly pendant still hanging around my neck. I longed to see him once again, to feel his touch, hear his voice.

I pulled my legs in, close to my chest and I dropped my head to rest on my knees, trying to control my breathing. What if I never saw him again? What if they killed him instead?

Something landed on my shoulder. I lifted my tear stained face and looked to the left, shocked to see a small, black butterfly sitting there, beating its wings. Zayn's symbol. I glanced around the room quickly, making sure Harry and Louis were nowhere in sight as I stood and scanned the holes in the ceiling for any sign of Zayn. He'd told me that as long as someone was in sight, a symbol could be created for them to see. That had to mean Zayn was close enough to see me.

I stood from where I sat and looked round the room once again, disappointed to find no sign of Zayn anywhere. I reached up to my shoulder and nudged my finger under the butterfly, bringing it around so I could see it better. It looked like any other of Zayn's creations, and I frowned at it. What if it was one of the ones from the past that always flew off and vanished?

It began to beat its wings harder, and it took off, flying into the air and out of the hole in the ceiling, leaving me alone and looking after it. I took a step back to try and see if there was a silhouette atop the roof, but I saw nothing but the dark, night sky. What time was it?

I bumped into someone. I whirled round and took a step back as Harry stood, watching me with his green eyes. Liar, traitor, bastard! I thought, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Get away from me!" I hissed at him, backing up as far as possible until my back was pressed against the wall. Harry lifted his hands up in a surrendering gesture and just flashed me a grin.

"Relax, it's OK. It's alright," he said calmly, as if his act hadn't meant a thing at all. I glared at him.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my throat still hoarse from crying.

"I'm just following orders, Laura," he said, taking a seat on the hay bale.

So it was Louis' fault that Harry was acting the way that he was? It wasn't what he truly wanted to do.

"Is this because of the Maker bond?" I asked and Harry nodded. I smiled briefly, glad to know that he wasn't in control of his own actions. "So that means you don't really want to do this? It's just demands that Louis is making you follow?"

Harry looked confused as he shook his head. "I know what's going on, Laura. I know what I want, and it's this. He isn't making me do anything, I know that I want to do this too."

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