Chapter 19

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AS SOON AS I ENTERED the large, spotless bathroom, I burst out in tears. I just couldn't hold them back any longer, not after everything that had just happened. It was all just too much for me to take in, especially since vampires shouldn't exist - they couldn't exist. How was it even possible for mythological creatures to be roaming the earth unknown?

Zayn had been a suspicious character from the start, but I had never expected him to be such a dick. He was charming, quiet and polite for the majority of the time I had known him, and until recently, he was nothing like I had first thought he had been - he was evil; a monster who took what he wanted whenever he wanted.

I couldn't help but feel devastated about the sudden turn of events, remembering all the nice things he had ever said to me, which at the time, had all been lies that I had been too naive to see. He had said so many things that had made me smile, made me shudder and some things that had even made me laugh. But things were different now. I doubted that he would even be able to make me laugh again.

"You're worth drawing, babe."

"Trust me . . . I'm no magician."

"How convenient."

"I don't feel the cold."

"Why would you not want to kiss me?"

"Well, everyone has their secrets. This, Laura . . . this is one of my secrets."

The more I thought about all the things he had said to me in the past, I couldn't help but hate myself for being so blind. He had made it very clear that he was different in some way, and yet I still hadn't been quick enough to realize what he was - before it was too late.

The way he said everything with confidence baffled me. He had been so casual around me and my friends while hiding his true form, something that had tricked us all, and not only myself. Marielle had said she wasn't going to fall for his charm, meaning she hadn't been won over by him like everyone else, myself included. She had will power and managed to see that there was more to him that met the eye. 

I couldn't help but shudder at the memory of walking home with him alone after we had left Kate's. The way he had casually made conversation about the killing of the Morgan and McFadgen families as if he were scared himself. It had been him. He had killed those poor families and yet, he acted as if he didn't have a care in the world. I vaguely remember him calling the murderer 'a sick bastard'. Back then, I hadn't known he was referring to himself so that no one would have suspected that it was him.

I wiped away my teas with the back of my hand as I slowly closed the bathroom door behind me, the faint click assuring me that it was shut securely. I trudged over the blue rug that lay in the middle of the room, and looked to my left, dreading what I would see looking back at me. As soon as I looked at the mirror, I let out a groan - I looked more like a zombie than a vampire  now. My make-up had run where my tears had mixed in with the foundation, the perfectly applied mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow had smudged around my eyes and my red lip stick had smeared slightly after Zayn's rough kisses.  To make things worse, my hair was a mess, loose strands escaping the once perfect bun on top of my head.

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