Chapter 13

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Dedicated to @kcwin19 for the very supportive comment on the last chapter. Thank you so much :) 

FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, I had been fairly distant with everyone, Zayn included. After that Saturday - the Saturday when I had been thoroughly embarrassed by my parents, when Zayn had been invited over and when I had experienced my first kiss - ever since, I had been quiet almost all the time, inside and outside of school. I had no reason to be so silent, but there was a part of me that just wanted to be left alone and to be able to figure everything out.

I had pretty much given up on trying to talk with Kate, only socializing with her through brief smiles and eye contact - if she would even look at me in the first place. She had been hanging out with Hayley and Megan's group more that ever, following the pair of them around like a little lost puppy.

Out of all my friends, Zayn had been the one in particular that I had been trying to avoid. It was mostly out of awkwardness, my first thought being our kiss every time I met his gaze. I had noticed that he had been sitting with Megan and Hayley almost every lunch time, but in all honesty, I didn't care anymore. If he wanted to, then it was up to him.

Occasionally, we would smile at each other, but no words were ever spoken. It had been rather awkward while we were sitting in History together. I was trying to pay attention to what Miss Burns was telling the class, but with Zayn's eyes on me all the time, it had been really distracting. It was still hard to believe that he had kissed me only a few weeks ago when there were girls throwing themselves at him whenever they walked past him in the corridor.

At one point, I was sure I felt Zayn's hand brush against my thigh under the table and my cheeks flushed at the sudden contact. It wasn't as if he were forcing me into anything, because he wasn't. I just felt shy around him and the way he looked at me was almost greedily. Marielle herself had said that his staring had gone from creepy to hungry and I'd flinched at her words. Surely she was only exaggerating?

"You've been awfully quiet lately." Niall said all of a sudden and I shook my head. We were all sat in the canteen, eating our lunch and chatting about the weather. It had been slightly drizzly outside, but nothing terribly drastic. Certainly, nothing as bad as it had been a few weeks ago.

I looked down at my untouched food before I answered the Irishman. "Have I?"

"Yeah." Sophie said, an eyebrow raised. I had received another call from the red head ten minutes after she had first called me on the night Zayn had come over. She had practically begged me to tell her what had all happened after Zayn had left, but my mind had been else where. Once she had finally got me to talk, I had decided to leave out the part about the kiss, knowing that she would make a big deal out of it.

"I never noticed." I muttered and Marielle gave me a small smile before she took a bite out of her apple, her eyes briefly darting over to the stairs. I turned and watched as my once best friend made her way towards the girls toilets. I turned back around and let out a sigh.

Yes, I was determined to find out what had crawled up Kate's ass, but how was I going to get her to talk to me? She clearly didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I couldn't understand why, as I had done nothing wrong. Was she angry with me because Zayn and I were getting on well? Was she possibly jealous of our friendship?

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