Chapter 29

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ʃhopping was going well so far. There had been no more news of any murders, no sign of any unwanted attention, and it felt like old times - when I could go shopping with my family like any other and when I had no clue that vampires existed. With Christmas only a few days away, Mum wanted to double check and make sure that she had everything she needed set in place. I had heard her muttering something about sprouts before leaving the house earlier that morning, and Ian had cringed. "Who the hell likes brussel sprouts anyway?" he'd complained as we stepped into the car.

I took the opportunity to search for extra bits and bobs myself. I still had to get all of my friends some presents, so I made that my first priority. I knew that the girls would be happy with any type of clothing, so I decided to make my way through the aisles until I found myself standing in rows and rows of girly outfits. Pink caught my eye straight away and I immediately thought of Kate. It was a patterned T-shirt with an image of a bear on the front. I smiled as I pulled it down and folded it over my free arm. Now, Sophie wasn't hard to shop for - she liked almost anything, as long as she thought it didn't clash with another piece of clothing she was wearing, and so I chose a woollen jumper with hearts on the front. I pulled a pair of dark skinny jeans towards me and looked at the artificial tears from the knees down. Marielle's sort of taste, I thought and threw them over my arm too.

Now, for the boys. What sort of things would boys like? I walked from the women's clothing aisle to the men's, my eyes landing on various shirts, trousers, slippers and coats. I couldn't help but smile when my eyes landed on a pair of Batman slippers, and I instantly thought of Liam. He liked Batman, so I collected the slippers and then began to look for something Niall might like. It was no secret that the lad liked his chocolate, so I made my way over to the food, looking at multiple boxes of chocolates with decorative boxes for the festive season. I ended up picking the biggest box of chocolates I could find and that I knew he liked.

I bumped into my mum a few times as I shopped through the store and she laughed at seeing the Batman slippers I'd chosen for Liam. However, as soon as she asked me, "What are you getting for Zayn?" I sighed and explained that I wasn't sure what to get him. It was true - what exactly would a vampire like to receive on Christmas Day? I'd contemplated on getting him a box of chocolates like I had for Niall, but would he enjoy them? Then I remembered that I had to also buy Harry a Christmas present and I rolled my eyes. And I'd once thought that shopping for my parents had been difficult.

I told my mum that I'd catch up with her and dad later, and that I had to go and think of something to buy the two vampires. What was Zayn into besides killing people? He had a lot of old portraits in his home, and books on every shelf. But would he enjoy the sort of books I that did? I knew Harry liked reading a lot, so I decided I'd hunt down some gift vouchers for Waterstones, the large bookstore at the other side of Bradford - that way I wouldn't have to worry about getting him ones he already owned.

As I aimlessly walked through the busy shop, my eyes landed on the stationery aisle and a large wooden box intrigued me. As I neared, and opened up the box, I found inside multiple  colouring pens and pencils, crayons and paints all tucked away in little crooks and crannies. I smiled to myself as I thought of Zayn.

"Yup, you're the one." I said out loud, closing the box and picking it up. If Zayn didn't like it, then tough. It was a beautiful collection of artistic materials, and I honestly wouldn't mind having one for myself. Zayn was a creative person, so hopefully he's appreciate it. After all, it was the thought that counted.

I looked over all the items I had selected and then started to make my way back towards where I had last seen my mum. On the way there, I picked up a blue checker shirt just for the sake of it and threw it over my shoulder. At least there was the backup present for him if he didn't take a liking to the art box.

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