Chapter 30 .

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Dedicated to  @springfalls  for the AMAZING fan art, thank you! x :)

t was his cold fingertips prodding my cheek that woke me. First, I had batted his hand away to stop him tickling my nose, but his attempts were on going. Eventually, I had rolled over on to my other side, but his hand only followed and soon he was poking my cheek over and over again. Frustrated, I let out a deep sigh and spun around so I could move my body onto his, my legs straddling his waist. He looked surprised for a second before a large grin appeared on his face, his golden brown eyes sparkling.

"Well," he started, "I thought I would be the one trying to convince you into having morning sex," he said. "Apparently not." He sat up, leaning on his elbows and kissed me softly, a hand coming up to grasp the back of my head, his fingers twirling locks of my hair round and round. I kissed him back with just as much force, not entirely sure what had come over me. When he pulled away, he lay back down against the pillows, a hand supporting the back of his head.

In the morning light streaming in through the curtains, he looked beautiful. Almost artificial with his stillness and defined features. I laid my hands flat on his stomach, taking a peek at his many tattoos for the hundredth time. My eyes momentarily skimmed over the one of the cartoon woman on his arm, mentally stating not to draw attention to it unless I wanted him to go all quiet and mysterious once again.

Zayn had been anything but friendly when we had first met. Always mysterious and rather quiet, making rude comments from time to time. It was odd to think he was a completely different person now to what he was before.

I looked at his lips curiously and reached out a hand slowly towards his face. Like I had once done before, I lifted his lip and stared down at his teeth. Tentatively, I tapped one of his short canines with my fingertip and watched in fascination as it lengthened beneath my touch. Zayn's eyes closed slowly and so I took the opportunity to test the sharpness of the fangs. A flash back of them being embedded into my skin clouded my mind all of a sudden and I shuddered at the memory. Despite my hatred for him gradually being diminished, I couldn't lie to myself about the fact that he'd hurt me numerous times before hand.

All of a sudden, I was pushed off of him as he jumped from the bed with inhumane speed. He backed himself up against the door, his eyes wide. He was panting. I couldn't help but feel worried - what had happened? Had I done something wrong?

"Zayn-" I started but he cut me off.

"No, Laura. Just stay where you are. Don't come near me. Please," he said, shaking his head for a second, blinking madly. "Don't ever do that again."

"What did I do?" I asked quietly.

"Keep your hands away from them," he said, his fangs still lengthened to their full predatory size. "The fangs." he gasped. They began to shrink back to their normal size, and Zayn kept his eyes shut as they did. As soon as his teeth were back to their normal size, he stood away from the wall and made his way over to me, crushing me against his chest when he did. "I'm sorry."

"It's OK," I assured him as his hands rubbed my back. "I didn't know that you were touchy about me doing that." I said and I felt him shake his head.

"You did nothing wrong, Laura. I just ... had a bit of a shock." he admitted before pulling back and kissing me. "I just ... was surprised to find you doing that. Fangs usually creep you out."

I laughed quietly. "They still do, but I was only curious." 

Zayn let me go and looked into my eyes; his seemed distant and sad, as if what I had done was something he had experienced once before. I shook the thought away and let my hands rest on his shoulders, pulling him towards me until we were kissing once again. I was consciously aware of his body weighing me down to lie on my back, against the mattress like before. His hands, spread out, were on either side of my head to support his body above mine, the swell of his biceps more prominent then ever.

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