Chapter 45

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"Harry?" I repeated when he said nothing. My voice was just above a whisper, my nerves finally getting the better of me. Both of us were trapped with Louis, and it looked as if he wasn't going to be letting us go anytime soon. "Are you OK?"

I glanced over at Louis once again before moving around the hay bale to stand at Harry's side, my eyes scanning him over for any signs of an injury. He looked perfectly fine, no scratches or bruises, his eyes cast low, down at his feet. I gently reached out and took his hand in mine, shaking him carefully.

"Harry?" I tried once again only to receive no reply. Instead, he looked down into my eyes, the once leaf green seeming tired and darker than usual. I slowly released his hand and frowned. What was wrong with him? "Harry..."

When he still made no attempt to reply, I glanced over at Louis and narrowed my eyes at him. God knows how long he'd held Harry captive - hours for all I knew. But what had he managed to do within that period of time? I knew Harry; sweet, caring and kind. He shouldn't have been standing so calmly while his maker was only feet away, unless Louis had done something to him.

"What have you done to him?!" I demanded.

Louis laughed loudly. "What have I done to him? Absolutely nothing."

"Stop lying!" I screamed, stepping away from Harry as he glanced down at me once again. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked over at Louis who was rubbing his hands together. "What's going on?" The dread I felt was horrible. What had he done to Harry and why? If it was Zayn or me that he wanted, why did he have to drag Harry into the whole thing?

 Louis took a seat on the crate again, his eyes lowered to his hands. He chuckled quietly to himself and squinted up at me. "It's a funny story, actually." He looked over at Harry who had taken a seat on the hay bale, his long legs folded up, under him. "You do know that Harry and I are great friends, right?"

I nodded slowly, remembering Harry mentioning several times that him and Louis were almost like brothers, inseparable. He'd told me about their friendship since childhood, how Harry had let Louis turn him when he thought he was going nowhere in life. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that both of the vampires before me shared the unbreakable bond of friendship and I shuddered as the horrible truth finally dawned on me.

"You..." I started, my voice shaky. I looked over at Harry as I spoke. "You've been working with him all along."

Harry smiled widely at me and clapped his hands three times - slowly, as if taunting me with the whole idea of the situation. 

"Took you long enough," Harry laughed before running his hands through his hair. 

I looked back and forth between the two predators, trying to piece everything together. Did that mean that Harry and Louis had been in contact ever since I'd first met him? If that was the case, and he had in fact been lying from the start, it would mean I'd put my trust in a traitor. I'd told him so many things, some personal, some about Zayn and how I felt towards him. Please don't be true, I mentally begged. Please...

"I don't understand-"

"You know that Zayn has his sick, twisted games, don't you, Laura?" Louis asked, cutting me off. I looked over at him as a tear rolled down my cheek. "So do we."

"Game?" I questioned, my voice cracking. "What game would that be?"

"Well, this particular one involves us-" Louis gestured between Harry and himself before looking back up at me, "torturing you in front of Zayn. Quite fun."

"But..." I trailed off, shaking my head in disbelief. I didn't want to listen, didn't want to accept the truth lying there before me. Only then did I realize it wasn't just I who had been fooled. Zayn was clueless too. He was also unaware that Louis had taken me. That's when I began to panic; he didn't know where I was. I glared over at Louis. "Tell me exactly how you managed to get my mother to invite you inside."

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