Chapter 50

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I tapped my fingers absentmindedly against the side of the mug, staring into space and enjoying the silence of the night. My head felt like it was about to split open despite the pills I'd taken to help ease the pain. At least I could count on the warmth from the hot chocolate and hot water bottle for a little comfort.

It had taken me quite a while to calm down, Zayn's reassuring words being whispered into my ear as I'd woken up countless times in his arms. The first time I'd woken up had been in the middle of nowhere, Zayn holding me closely. Only after looking around did I realize we'd just left the barn. The second time, I'd recognized my surroundings as Zayn's living room. He had been holding my hand tightly in his, the fire crackling quietly in the background. The final time I'd woken up was beside Zayn in his bed, an arm wrapped securely around me, holding me close. I'd turned in his embrace and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

Finally, when it was late enough to announce it was early morning, Zayn had walked me home, a hand holding me steady as I wobbled a little. He'd stayed with me all night in my room, kissing my knuckles and telling me everything was going to be alright. I hadn't said much and Zayn claimed is was because I was in shock.

Maybe I had been in shock? Maybe I still was, a day after the events that had occurred in the barn? Looking down at my hand holding the cup of hot chocolate, I could see myself shaking slightly and I shook my head. It's over, it's in the past, I had to remind myself constantly as flashes came back every now and again of Louis' malicious grin and Harry's lies.

Harry. I'd hated it when I'd caught myself thinking about him. After waking up that morning, I'd longed to hear his soothing voice and words of wisdom. But I'd started to cry soon after the memories came flooding back to me. It was hard to accept that he had been a liar from the beginning. Remembering the apologetic vampire who I had met in the woods, who loved to read and bake in his spare time, had only reduced me to more tears.

A knock on the door broke my day dream. My mother stepped into the room, a small, tired smile on her face. Zayn had Persuaded her, Dad and Ian into thinking I had went to see Kate soon after returning from Paris, and I was glad that he had, otherwise I'd have been bombarded with questions as soon as we'd stepped inside. Especially since I'd been wearing my blood soaked dress.

"Hey," she said quietly, coming to sit beside me on the bed. She took my free hand in her's and squeezed in gently "How do you feel now?"

I smiled. "Better. Just a little bit of a sore head," I lied.

"The pills will help," she promised. "You look exhausted."

It was true; my hair lay in a curly mess over one shoulder (to conceal the bite mark I'd refused Zayn of healing until he was strong enough), there were dark circles under my eyes and beneath my jumper were multiple bruises from where Louis' and Harry's hands had grasped me tightly.

"Yeah, I know," I laughed quietly, taking a sip of my drink. "I think I just need to get some sleep."

"OK, dear," she said, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. "I'll let you rest."

"Thanks Mum," I said, smiling.

She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder at me. "Zayn stopped by earlier while you were sleeping. It was a nice surprise to see him so early. He truly does care for you, Laura. It reminds me of when your father and I were teenagers. It was the whole cliché meeting at university that brought us together you know? He was so handsome too. This was before his hairline started receding," she laughed and I did too.

"And greying," I added which made her laugh harder.

"True. He looked a lot like Ian does now - facially that is. You and your brother have my hair."

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