Chapter 25

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ALL IT TOOK WAS A week for Harry to make himself at home. His suitcases had been unpacked and pushed under the bed in the extra bedroom, the cupboard and drawers filled up with his belongings. The amount of books he had brought along with him had surprised me greatly. I would never have thought that he would have been a keen reader. His collection consisted of the old classics, and I had even started to make conversation with him about To Kill A Mockingbird. Our views on the story had been very similar.

On the whole, I had been spending a great deal of time over at Zayn's since last Friday, his promise to keep me safe, only part of the reason. The other part being that I was slowly starting to trust him. Believe it or not, that night when I had learned of his past had made me realise just how much of a vulnerable character he actually was. He had been forced into becoming what he was, it wasn't his decision, and part of me pitied him. I was truthfully sorry for the guy.

On the Saturday morning, I had woken up to find him lying beside me, only in a pair of low hanging  boxers. At first I had freaked out, frightened of the half nude vampire beside me. But not a second later, I had turned myself over and let my eyes scan over each one of his unique tattoos. I had never seen them quite as close before, so being right next to him gave me the opportunity to let my eyes explore the bareness of his defined chest. I couldn't help but assume things about each inked design on his skin. Each held a meaning of some sort, I was sure of it - he had told me so on the first day we met.

"What are you doing?" I had jumped when Zayn's groggy morning voice could be heard. Only then, did I come back to reality and realize that I had been tracing the lines of his tattoos, my fingers sprawled out across his chest. I pulled away and rolled over, my cheeks burning.

"Nothing."  I had answered. He'd laughed.

I COULDN'T HELP BUT STARE as Zayn's hand came into view, holding a red apple out towards me. I had been so deep in thought, staring down at my lunch for a good few minutes at the untouched food. I shook my head and took the apple from him, giving a small smile.

"Thanks." I muttered as I took a bite. He grinned at me and looked over at Liam, who quickly looked away from him. Sitting at the table with all my friends had suddenly become extremely awkward, especially since Kate had suddenly 'decided' to come back over to sit with us again. Zayn had released her from his Persuasion, and made her forget everything that had happened. Part of me thought he'd done the same to everyone else. Sophie, Marielle, Liam and Niall never mentioned a thing about Kate's strange behaviour, and neither did I. He must have been the one behind it all.

"You OK, Laura?" Kate asked me all of a sudden. I chewed my food and nodded my head at the same time. Kate smiled at me before she pulled a folder from inside her bag. "Have you had this homework yet? I seem to have missed a lot in all of my subjects somehow . . ." she muttered, showing me a homework sheet which had been handed out two weeks ago. 

"Yeah, you can copy mine, I got one hundred percent on it." I said and she beamed at me before thanking me. Zayn continued to sit quietly and watch the rest of us, and I could practically feel the tension between him and Liam. Whenever they looked each other in the eye, there was always a hint of hatred in them.  I tried to ignore it, but the constant thought of Zayn leaning across the table and ripping Liam's head off had shivers running down my spine. I'm pretty sure he could massacre the whole student body if he wanted to.

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