Chapter 14

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"ARE YOU SURE THAT THE film starts at seven?" I asked Marielle as she checked her hair in the mirror for the fifth time that day. It had taken both of us a while to decide on which movie to go and see, but in the end, we had both agreed on the last film in the Final Destination series. Films like those, weren't my type of thing, but it was just for a laugh at the end of the day. All for a little bit of fun.

"Laura, I'm positive." Marielle sighed. "I've checked the website about four times, and it starts at seven o'clock. Stop worrying about nothing." she said before she rolled her eyes at me. I just smirked back at her. We were just about ready to leave and catch a bus to the centre of the city, where all the good shops were. Myself and the guys would occasionally head over to the shops on weekends to go and see movies together or just to have a good time, but that was years ago. As soon as the school year had started, and everything became more serious for us, we'd had no time for such fun and games like we used to.

My attention was suddenly grabbed by the sound of the radio playing in the background. Usually while reading, I needed silence to be able to concentrate, but recently, listening to the radio had become something of a hobby to me, especially with all of the murder cases at the moment.

"Hey, can you turn that up, please?" I asked Marielle and she nodded before she walked over to the music player and turned up the volume. I had been listening to the radio every night since I had heard about the McFadgen murder, and now a new case had been broadcast all around the world about a similar incident. The scary thing about the new murder, was that it had happened in Liverpool this time, which wasn't too far away from Manchester - where the last killing had took place.

"Reports are coming in about the murder of the Morgans, a family of five from Liverpool. The killing is believed to have took place in the early hours of this morning, when a struggle could be heard from within the family home. However, no suspects have been named, and the murderer has once again, vanished without a trace." the radio presenter spoke and I frowned. The thought of two tragic murders taking place within a month, not so far away from each other, was quite scary. Almost like living in a crime film. I seemed to be the only one out of us all that was a little bit freaked out by the whole situation. All that was running through my mind was: What if the murderer decided to come to Bradford? Would anyone here get hurt?

With a quick shake of my head, I stood up from my sitting position on the bed and gathered my homework into a neat pile before I carefully placed the folders and notes onto my pillow. I double checked that I had everything I needed; my phone and plenty of money for a day of shopping. Marielle loved to shop, and trying to pull her out of one shop to look in another, was a nightmare.

"OK, are we all ready?" Marielle asked as she walked over to my bedroom door and placed her hand on the bronze door knob. I scanned my room once more, just in case I had missed anything. When I caught my reflection in the mirror, I knew what I had forgotten to do.

"One second." I said before I pulled a hair bauble off of my wrist and gathered my hair into it's usual up-do. I secured it in place and took one quick look at myself in the mirror before I turned and smiled at Marielle who just rolled her eyes at me again and opened the door.

We both made our way down the stairs, clapping Jet gently on his head as he followed us to the bottom floor. When we reached the living room, my parents were sitting watching the ten o'clock news, and several images of the Morgan family were being shown on the screen. The mother, father, two twin daughters and eldest son.

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