Chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely  @xBeautyRisesx  for making the amazing trailer on the side. Thank you so much! :)

couldn't remember the last time I had went shopping with my friends and enjoyed it. I wasn't really that much of a shopper, but on certain occasions, the odd shop now and then done me some good. The Halloween shopping with Marielle had been going alright until I'd felt ill and Zayn had shown up, but somehow being with my three best friends made everything seem better - normal, you could say. All of us had been to numerous shops already, trying to find one that sold the best dresses for a school dance, but the results had been negative.

"What about in here?" Marielle suggested, nodding to the left at the double glass doors of the shop. Standing outside, it looked to be pretty empty inside, unusual for a Saturday. We all agreed and walked into the building, racks upon racks of different styled trousers and shirts coming to view. "I think the dresses are near the back. Me and my mum came in here once." May continued, pointing to the far end of the shop.

We all headed over, eyes scanning every item of clothing we passed. Several sets of undergarments caught my attention and I blushed when a pink set showed up. I couldn't help but remember Zayn raiding through my drawers and choosing a similar pair for me to change into.

Thinking of Zayn made my cheeks turn pink. The night before had been a mistake, and I had kept myself awake for most of the night thinking about what had happened. It hadn't been as bad as I had originally thought, but suddenly sinking into that kind of behaviour had baffled me to no end. I wasn't that kind of girl.

"There's dresses over there." Sophie said as she lead the way over to a wall full of different coloured and sized gowns. For a few moments, we all stared, no doubt trying to pick ones to try on. The worst part about going shopping with my friends? The amount of time it took for them to try on pretty much every dress the shop had. It sometimes took hours for my friends to all pick their clothes.

Kate dived for a white dress at the same time Sophie did and they ended up holding each others' hands. Laughing it off, they both picked up the same dress from the wall and started towards the changing rooms. Marielle and I chose at random, a pink and black one being selected from the racks.

"I think the pink would go great on you." Sophie said to Marielle as she admired the dress in her hands. "Bring out your eyes, maybe?"

"Shut up and try yours on." May sighed before we all headed into the changing rooms.


Λbout half an hour had passed before Marielle and I had finally picked a small selection of our favourite dresses. Kate and Sophie were late in deciding, still running back and forth with dresses they had tried on.

"No, the pink clashes with your hair too much!" I head Kate scold at Sophie.

"Well, I can't help that my hair is red."

"Ginger." Kate shot back.

"Shut up, I am ginger and proud."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the three dresses I had laid out on the racks in front of me. I honestly wanted to pick a random one and leave so I could go home and study. I seemed to be quite far behind in my classes, very unlike myself. My History assignment had been handed back to me on Wednesday, and I'd dropped at least thirty percent. I'd been so shocked at seeing the lower marks to what I usually received.

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