Chapter 10

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THE LUNCH BELL RANG ALL of a sudden, making me jump in my seat. My ears were suddenly filled with the sound of chairs scraping across the floor as students hurried from the classroom to get their lunch first. There were usually long lines formed at the canteen's kitchen for hot meals at lunch times, that's why I always hung around until everyone else had theirs' dished out first. That way, there wasn't as much of a wait.

For the remaining few minutes of Geography, I hadn't really been paying attention, my mind had been  wandering back to Kate and her strange behaviour. It was now Tuesday, and she hadn't said a word to me. Nothing at all. I couldn't even recall her making eye contact with me, despite us sitting next to each other in almost every class we had together.

Everyone was telling me to ignore her, and that she just needed some time alone at the moment to calm down. Liam and Sophie had told me that she wasn't speaking with them either and that she's even went as far as socializing with Megan after school on Monday. My mouth had hung open as they told me that.

I gathered all of my things in a tidy pile before I packed them into my bag and stood up from my chair. I said goodbye to Mr Samuels as I walked through the door and headed down the corridor towards the canteen.

On my way through the corridor, I heard someone's footsteps walking up behind me and I spun around only to come face to face with Marielle who was running towards me with a grin on her face.

"Wait for me!" she called and I stopped where I was, waiting for her to catch up with me. "I have news that you're gonna love!" I couldn't help but catch the sarcasm in her voice and I raised an eyebrow as she held up her phone for me to see. I swear, she was glued to her mobile. Even at Kate's she had been on her phone for most of the night.

I looked over the message on the screen and My eyes widened as I read over the text that Sophie had sent to Marielle only minutes ago.

"Kate's hanging out with them?" I asked in disbelief and Marielle nodded as she widened her eyes. It wasn't just myself that found Kate's behaviour odd, but all of us found it strange. 

"I knew she was acting weird, but this is really not like her. At all." Marielle said as she closed the message and pushed her phone back into her pocket.

"Yeah . . ." I said, trailing off as I had no idea what to say or how to react. My best friend had never been so distant with me, or anyone else before. What was making her act so differently all of a sudden? It had been an over night thing, the change so sudden it had come as a shock to us all.

"That's not even the worst part, though. She was putting on make-up with Hayley this morning in the bathroom." Marielle said and I let out a sigh. What was happening to my friend? Not that I had anything against her chatting to others, it was the fact that Hayley, Megan and Kate never got on, much like myself and the both of them.

Why would she suddenly change her mind about them?

"That's not all, though." Marielle said and I bit my tongue, waiting for more bad news to come my way.

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