Chapter 34

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I woke up sweating. Despite it still being Spring, the temperature had risen a lot over night. I threw the blanket off of my body and stretched before looking over to my left. Zayn was still sound asleep in the armchair. I picked up my phone and checked the time, which happened to be just after seven.

I folded the blanket neatly and placed it over the back of the couch before making my way into one of the two bathrooms, my toiletries bag under one arm and my change of clothes in the opposite hand. I pulled my onsie off and turned on the shower before stepping in with my shampoo and body wash.

I couldn't help but think of the time Zayn had entered the bathroom while I had been showering. The memory was still raw in my mind, and I still shuddered as I remembered his mouth on me. The last thing I needed was for him to walk in and continue his slow torture.

After I was out of the shower, I pulled on my bikini top and bottoms before tugging on a loose white T-shirt on top. I had to look semi-decent at least while I was in the house.

As I left the bathroom, I only then realised how hungry I was and soon, I found myself fishing around in the kitchen, looking for the cereal Liam and I had bought the day before. I filled a bowl and sat down on the couch eating it. Zayn was still lying motionless in the exact same place he was when I'd left the room..

I heard footsteps approaching and I turned to look at whoever it was. It was a bad idea.

"You know, Zayn did warn me about you wandering around in your birthday suit, but I never imagined you'd still be doing it," I said as Harry wandered into the room, completely naked. His hair and body were wet, so I knew he'd just come out of the shower. He looked surprised to see me awake and dressed and he awkwardly covered him self with his hands.

"I er - I wasn't expecting anyone else to be awake - I'm sorry, Laura," he mumbled, looking anywhere but at me. I laughed it off and returned to eating my cereal as if I hadn't just been scarred for life.

"It's fine, just make sure you put something on in the future," I said, keeping my gaze low.

"Right," he said, the embarrassment evident in his tone. His voice was a little hoarse I noticed, and I couldn't help but laugh as he reached into the cupboard for some oreos. That was when I noticed for the first time, the tattoo on his stomach of his symbol: a white butterfly. His left arm was littered in tattoos also, but I didn't want to ask about them. I'd learned not to be so nosy from asking Zayn about his.

 "Harry?" I said, another thought coming to mind. "Why are you naked?"

"I just got out the shower," he said, gesturing to his damp hair.

"I know that, but why didn't you take some clothes in with you ... were you sleeping naked?"

"I didn't think anyone would be up for hours, so it seemed harmless at the time... And no, I wasn't. I was sharing a bed with Marielle, I wasn't going to sleep in the buff beside her! I'm already trying not to freak her out as it is!"

I laughed at his panic. "Harry, I was joking!"

"Oh," he mumbled. "I'll just go then." I nodded to him before he quickly ran from the room, trying to cover his backside while he was at it.

"I told you," I heard Zayn mutter from the arm chair. His eyes were still closed, but a smile was etched upon his face.

"I never expected to see a naked Harry though," I told him before I stood from my seat and sat down in his lap. "Morning."

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